Xbox 360 SSF4 LEAGUE -Season 3-

Just been playing a quality Blanka player, anyone played against Smexy Millz? I was able to take rounds of him but not quite games. Difficult to know whether he was coming or going, Blanka has so many dirty tricks! 4500PP though and I felt I was putting up a bit of a fight so I am pleased. :p

Just a reminder guys to try get the first game of the playoffs played today at some point, and do not tell us the result just upload the vid!!! :)
LOL. Well I dunno him personally and he did msg after saying ggs, he seemed alright and good luck if you guys play his Blanka, he's very good. :)
LOl how a player outside of japan claim he is the best. To be the best, you gotta beat the best. And obviously the best bunch of sf players are in Japan
At one point in vanilla, the GGs thread on NE was all about imstilldadaddy and the smack he was talking. I only played him once and the lag was unbearable so I quit out, from the messages I got after you'd think I'd stolen his Ferrari and just drove it past him. Never tried to play him again whenever I saw his name, didn't see the point.

Yes, Kre does :p

Do I sense some needling here?
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lol, what do you have against Ryu?

He's massively overplayed. It bores me silly to play so many generic Ryu/Ken/Akuma players in a row on XBL. They never do anything new or interesting, and occasionally fluke a win with DERP > Ultra, which is most upsetting.
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