Xbox series x - monitor help

9 Nov 2020
All im not not at all up with tech so as much help would be much appreciated. I am planning on purchasing an xbox series x following orders from the wife I have to remove my existing xbox from the TV. What monitor should I be looking at, prefer around 30ish inches .

Many thanks for any advice or pointers
I went for the Dell S2721DGF which is 27" and plenty. I wasn't overly fussed about 4k at that size and the Series X seems like it's capable of 1440p @ 120Hz using this over HDMI 2.0. Plus I mainly play competitive shooters so will take response times and refresh rate over 4k.

I'm coming from a launch Xbox One using a 24" 1080p monitor and the difference is night and day for me. Bearing in mind i've had the series X less than 24 hours so my experience is limited.
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