Xbox360 Oblivion: Slow saves?

16 May 2006
Hi guys,

anyone plays oblivion on the 360? Do you experience a very very slow response when you press start and try and save or load a file? It seems to take like 3 to 8 second to move down each saves to the previous ones...

Just want to make sure it's a game problem and not a system fault...

(the search function don't seem to be working so I'm making this thread if not already made)

Thanks :)
how many saves do you have?

I noticed it got slower and slower the more I had the frst time through it. I guess buy the end I had a couple hundred. Painstaking process deleting them all though......
Don't talk to me about saves on Oblivion, I lost 45hours of gameplay because of a corrupted save :( had to start all over again :(
I'm on save no.500 but theres only 5 actual saves, I've always saved over the first 5 I've made donkeys ago...

Getting abit annoyed at it now, especially when I'm in the rush to save and go out, have to wait patiently to select my oldest save to save over and scrolling down is painful...
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