Yer best mates sister

28 Sep 2006
Ballyclare, N.Ireland
Whats anyones views on this, It's been a while since I met a girl that I was interested in and she is too, problem is her brother is VERY protective of her, even before I met her he warned me off of even talking to her!

Anyone with similar situations, any advice etc? I may start carrying a stab jacket lol.
Talk to him before anything happens.

I did the same thing and he put in a good word for me.
If the brother doesn't like you, you have no real chance.

I hope the sister is over the age of consent otherwise me and the brother will come round yours and give you a vasectomy. Those cheap all in one J&M tools come in handy.
meh, if he is grown up he wont mind.

age is important as already mentioned.

the fact of the matter is from his point of view its a case of "better the devil you know"

i ended up in the same situation with a mate of mines sister. he was far happier that i was dating her as compared to some bloke he did not know and might not like!
Whoa whoa whoa! I never said I was gonna be "with her" like that! She's turning 18 when I turn 21 (apr 30).

I'm going down to see her brother at me mates house to fix his computer, but he's an avid collector of japanese a napoleonic swords, so I think it best to mention it to him when we're elsewhere, thing is she wants me to come down to her house after work, I could go down to see her and then go down and talk to him, but like I say sharp point objects are in abundance - and I think if i texted him to tell him he might be a bit more angry, but at least I'd have a 20 mile head start.
SGCWill said:
Whoa whoa whoa! I never said I was gonna be "with her" like that! She's turning 18 when I turn 21 (apr 30).

Old enough to do what you like in that case, and he should be old enough to deal with it.
Well you have already mentioned he is quite protective of her, if he is the same age as you and she she is 18 then im guessing he probably will be pretty protective of her.

Dont do anything until you have spoken to him.
Be open about it, at the end of the day, he's protective because he doesn't want her to get hurt. Talk with him, explain the situation or even better, get his sister to make the first move and tell him she likes you - then see if he mentions it to you. If she's really in to you, then it might make it easier if she's willing to front it to your mate, making it seem like she's after you and not the other way round.
SGCWill said:
I'm going down to see her brother at me mates house to fix his computer, but he's an avid collector of japanese a napoleonic swords
Sounds like a fight to the death is in order.
if you're a decent guy then im sure he would rather she was with you then some random stranger he doesnt know
It will mess your relationship up with your best mate no matter how it turns out, forget her. With all the women in the world why go with your best mates sister. You knock on the door and knowone knows who you are calling for, you want an evening with your mate but the sister is about you argue with her and he gets involved, proper dodgey situation if you ask me and should be avoided.
Of course we will have examples posted which prove me wrong but still i wouldn't bother.
Women come & go but best mates are rare and should be valued as such.
z0mbi3 said:
Post pictures then we can advise you seriously.

They're in the post mate, sent Royal Mail 3rd Class, by seagull across the Irish Sea.

I will talk to her first about him and see what she thinks, but last nite she was more worried about what he'd do to her for even talking to me through msn, but that's prob because it was on his computer, and he has more prawn than the atlantic ocean on it.
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