You bought what!!!

Well here it is, suprisingly good in the snow with the skinny tyres, and not as plasticy as I imagined inside, it has a/c c/l and a CD player, he suprised me today with this golden nugget - total amount repayable £8.5k :eek:



At least he has a sense of humour with the number plate :p

A "golden nugget"? Seems you are, in part, won over. What a lot of folks seem to forget is that some people would always prefer 'new'. Its the same in the General Hardware sub-forum. Folks always go on about used Q6600 and used 4870's before even asking the OP if they are even prepared to consider s/hand? Some folks truly aren't.

BTW the skinny tyres would logically help in the snow and ice rather than hinder. That little thing on wide rubber would out skate Torvil & Dean.
A "golden nugget"? Seems you are, in part, won over. What a lot of folks seem to forget is that some people would always prefer 'new'. Its the same in the General Hardware sub-forum. Folks always go on about used Q6600 and used 4870's before even asking the OP if they are even prepared to consider s/hand? Some folks truly aren't.

BTW the skinny tyres would logically help in the snow and ice rather than hinder. That little thing on wide rubber would out skate Torvil & Dean.

Don't even begin to suggest that this is a good buy. If you want to use your computer analogy, doing 25k a year in this is like fitting a Celeron processor in an exchange server for a 100 users just because it was all you could afford new.
Don't even begin to suggest that this is a good buy. If you want to use your computer analogy, doing 25k a year in this is like fitting a Celeron processor in an exchange server for a 100 users just because it was all you could afford new.

It isn't though is it, this will happily do 70mph same as any other car, albeit in slightly less comfort, but it will do it.

I can sort of see the logic behind it in buying new and having the warranty, piece of mind and not having random repair bills loom up on you.

But I still would have bought a £4k mondeo diesel and £4k put away for bills than drive that tin pot around all day.
Don't even begin to suggest that this is a good buy. If you want to use your computer analogy, doing 25k a year in this is like fitting a Celeron processor in an exchange server for a 100 users just because it was all you could afford new.

a celeron would have no problem serving exchange for 100 users....
im not being funny, but isnt a base model fiesta like 9k?
im sure a ka is like 7500, it least it would have a 4 cylinder.
Both far better choices than that, anything is better than that though.

(disclaimer: im not saying he should have bought either of those, im merely confused as to how someone would pay 8500k for a pixo 3cyl when you can get a better car thats new)
It isn't though is it, this will happily do 70mph same as any other car, albeit in slightly less comfort, but it will do it.

Just going on my Matiz experiences (or indeed almost other asthmatic car my parents choose to buy) you'd have to have your foot planted to the floor to get to 70 in any decent kind of timeframe and then the engine is working harder comparatively than a larger engined car would normally be doing to maintain the same speed. This being so you're largely negating much of the gain in terms of it being more economical so now you've got rather uncomfortable and small but without the benefits of good economy to counterbalance that.

I can sort of see the logic behind it in buying new and having the warranty, piece of mind and not having random repair bills loom up on you.

Perhaps but surely there are other cars available in a similar sort of price range with a warranty (possibly not so long) but that would be a little better for doing what is quite a lot of travelling every year.

But I still would have bought a £4k mondeo diesel and £4k put away for bills than drive that tin pot around all day.

Quite. Still it's done now so if the OP's friend is happy with it then little we say or do here matters.
And that car will have no problem doing 70.

let me rephrase that then

a current celeron can serve 100 users with exchange with no serious drop in user experience quality.

this car is like running exchange for 100 users on an old P3

it'll do it, but it'll suck.
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