Your body and music are they connected?

2 Jan 2004
With regards your mood or events in your life does music change your perspective? investigation welcome, share your thoughts. Mind is included :)
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Yes, when we lift weights certain music makes us stronger.

For example when ever I powerclean i play a song called if you blood throw it up, and i easily add 10-15lbs to my clean just by being so pumped up to throw the bar up.

When we run onto the field they play an inspirational video combined with the 100,000 fans going wild which is kind of like music we are incredibly pumped to destroy the other teams defense.
I think so. I always feel like I get a boost listening to Lostprophets' old album Start Something, or Three Days Grace's old album Three Days Grace, or some of Alexisonfire's songs.
Yes of course. Most of the time I listen to metal, especially before I'm going out somewhere, it helps you get energised.

Other times I'll listen to ethereal music to reflect my calmer mood, and dark ambient if I'm feeling particularly reflective or introspective.
Yes and there is science to back it up. Just look at how music has been used by tribes people for thousands of years to evoke different moods and states.
With regards your mood or events in your life does music change your perspective? investigation welcome, share your thoughts. Mind is included :)

Yes it does. As Tefal says Boxers and also Soldiers listen to metal. Monks and religious types will listen to smooth, hypnotic chanting.

Sound is vibration and your body is made up of atoms that vibrate. When the two interact it creates a resonance.

The effects of music can be very profound, much more profound than most people understand. It's no coincidence that most of the very wealthy will listen to classical music, while most chavs and people in the inner cities will listen to hip hop and rap. Essentialy the sounds, or vibrations, you expose your body/mind too can have a big effect on where you will end up in life.
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