Your circle of friends & occupations



18 Oct 2002
Thinking this today when cruising around on a day with no your circle of friends what is the general area's of occupation, or is there none and you socialise in a mixed group?

I was just thinking that out of my circle of friends none of us have permanent jobs, i am probably the closest in that i am on salary, but contracted out short term to various places, and do a lot of adhoc overtime additional work in strange hours and often have weekdays off etc, so its like being self employed almost.

Everyone else who i spend time with have their own ltd companies, which seems a little strange that we have all gone that way. Most of my friends have actually gone into trades which seems like an excellent way to go in terms of earnings, sadly i am in a position now where i could not take the salary hit of the training period required. Its sort of made me wonder who fills all the offices of the country, and who works in all the shops and bars and stuff, as i dont know of anyone whatsoever in a permanent place of work. Maybe its my weird town, everything is strange here :/
To be fair, none of my proper friends are in a office job like me which is somewhat suprising:

Own IT Business
Shop Manager

Obviously I have acquaintances from old jobs, or others in offices I know from school/uni, friends-of-a-friend etc that I speak to from time to time but they are not what I would call genuine friends that I would phone up to arrange to go out with etc.

In fact thinking about it, it's somewhat a reflection on the fact that contary to the old saying of "Your friends from uni are your friends for life", nearly all my friends are people I knew as a child.
My friends do all sorts from managing director of ICI to leader of the opposition. It makes me wonder just who does stuff like contracting and having a small ltd company, maybe its just my strange town.
[TW]Fox said:
My friends do all sorts from managing director of ICI to leader of the opposition. It makes me wonder just who does stuff like contracting and having a small ltd company, maybe its just my strange town.

I am not suggesting any form of employment is "better" than another. A lot of people in office jobs will be very happy im sure and will earn big salaries, and likewise a lot of people with little ltd companies dont do very well at all and probably end up on the dole. I just dont seem to know of anyone with a permanent job, seems a bit strange that we have all gone this way.
[TW]Fox said:
My friends do all sorts from managing director of ICI to leader of the opposition. It makes me wonder just who does stuff like contracting and having a small ltd company, maybe its just my strange town.

are you friends with david cameron?
[TW]Fox said:
My friends do all sorts from managing director of ICI to leader of the opposition. It makes me wonder just who does stuff like contracting and having a small ltd company, maybe its just my strange town.

Picture with a david cameron sitting on an ICI logo with the MD giving him a reach around and balancing a loaf of bread on his head at the same time TBH.
Jez said:
and who works in all the shops and bars and stuff

Students. I don't know a single person who does full time either, but then I doubt many people do. The only one I can think of actually owns his little country pub so I guess that's a little different.
Mikol said:
The only one I can think of actually owns his little country pub so I guess that's a little different.

Seriously envious, i'd so love to be in that position :(
Jez said:
Seriously envious, i'd so love to be in that position :(

Ha. I used to think that, until my parents went and stayed there for a while and realised how hard it was not to just go and pour yourself a drink any time of the day. He would just drink all day and ultimately it will end in a short life, but hey, what a life.
Students - quite a few
Journalist - Editor to be precise
Scientist - GSK
Mortgage adviser
Fashion designer
Bookshop assistant
Record shop owner
Game designer

Basically people I either grew up with or went to uni with.
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Mikol said:
Ha. I used to think that, until my parents went and stayed there for a while and realised it was too tempting to drink all the time. He would just drink all day and ultimately it will end in a short life, but hey, what a life.

I dont think id be like that, but hey its hard to possibly say unless i was in that position. I would love a country food orientated pub though. Having said that i guess it would be an immense battle to keep afloat a lot of the time unless you were in a very desirable location. I bet a lof of these places dont do a huge amount of business.
I have friends in every type of job imaginable, I live in a small working class town but that doesn't mean everyone works down the same pit or on a fishing boat. Off the top of my head;

UHP washer
Fish Merchant
Trawler man
Shop Manager
Shop department manager
Fighter Pilot
Pretty much all my friends are students these days, doing variety of degrees:
- Software Engineering
- Internet Technology
- Games design
- Architecture
- Business studies
- Psycology
- Sociology
- Nursing
My group of friends i see a lot are mostly student bums, sales assisants and bar staff.
The others have too varied jobs to mention them all.
Jez said:
I dont think id be like that, but hey its hard to possibly say unless i was in that position. I would love a country food orientated pub though. Having said that i guess it would be an immense battle to keep afloat a lot of the time unless you were in a very desirable location. I bet a lof of these places dont do a huge amount of business.

That's the problem, aye. He does alright though, seems to be in one of those areas where whilst it's quite secluded, the people have nothing else to spend their stupidly excessive salaries on and/or farmers with flourishing farms.

I'm taking it off topic, I'll post my circle on friends when I can be bothered :D
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