Your contribution to the internet??

30 Dec 2003
Bigger box!
I was looking through a thread in games a while ago and decided to give a mini FAQ someone had knocked up a bump, wanted to use one of my old pictures i made for bumps but i'm on a new comp so i didn't have it saved. On the slightest possibility of finding it in one of my old threads i googled it and found it's being used by others :)

Now i know this is only cool to me cos it's my pic but it really gave me a smile to see others have used it (although one site using it is German :( but i take no responsibility for that!!! ;)) and i wondered if you guys have any contributions that have been adopted by others?

This was the pic btw


EDIT: Worth mentioning, i'd seen a 'bumpasaurus' before but thought it sucked so i made my own. So i cant claim it as completely my work.
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I started the "i" thing years ago. Honest to god.

It means internetCraig. For Craig when online, simply.

Apple have a better use to it, and nobody would ever believe me that I've had this name since I started using the net, which must be way over 7 years ago.
iCraig said:
I started the "i" thing years ago. Honest to god.

It means internetCraig. For Craig when online, simply.

Apple have a better use to it, and nobody would ever believe me that I've had this name since I started using the net, which must be way over 7 years ago.

iSmell BS. :p
Me and some voice com buddies started a new form of SMD wherer you say it so fast you can hardly tell what's been said. I hear it all the time on vent now :D
I Made this the other day :)

I'll knock up a few movie remixes (trailer style) when uni's finishes in a few weeks, the more time i spend editing the better really lol.

Link should work now :P. Tis like 12 meg though.
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Davey_Pitch said:
I'm pretty sure I started the whole "quoted for truth" thing on here. I don't remember anyone saying it before I did, then I went away for the weekend and came back to see everyone using it :/

And I'm pretty sure I said "edited for truth". Although it isn't really a contribution that we've done. More of a curse :(
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