Looking for some ideas on what to do with a 15L tank i got free from practical fishkeeping magazine.
Its a superfish wave 15, comes with heater and filter. I used to run it as a pico tank with some basic corals in but when i moved house i shut down both of my salt water tanks.
Where i live now salt is not really an option. top floor apartment with not really any space for RO making and i don't fancy carrying water up 4 flights of stairs!
So fresh water! being 15L i don't think it will take any fish? prob just some cherry shrimp.
Any one any ideas on what i could go for? Minimum maintenance would be nice.
Its a superfish wave 15, comes with heater and filter. I used to run it as a pico tank with some basic corals in but when i moved house i shut down both of my salt water tanks.
Where i live now salt is not really an option. top floor apartment with not really any space for RO making and i don't fancy carrying water up 4 flights of stairs!
So fresh water! being 15L i don't think it will take any fish? prob just some cherry shrimp.
Any one any ideas on what i could go for? Minimum maintenance would be nice.