Your Favourite 3 managers and your most hates 3 managers with reasons why

29 Mar 2007
Just wanted to see what yall think about managers, whos your top 3 and whos your bottom 3 with reason why

My top 3 are

1.Fergi apart from a keen united suporter the trophies and honours say it all
2.KEANOO gonna bring sunderland back up ;)
3.Neil Warnock for some reason i like him,


1.Arsene wenger, totall moaning BLAH and hes french
2.jose mourinho obvious reasons im a united fan
3.Rafael Benítez he cant manage a team for his life...only saying taht because of when he had all them urges to change his team every match !
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You're a Man Utd fan and named the managers of 2nd, 3rd and 4th place without a single real reason! :rolleyes:

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more pathetically worse you go and name ex-captain marvel as your 2nd favourite manager!!! ha ha ha :p :D

Poorest thread EVER!!!
AmateurJimmy said:
3.Rafael Benítez he cant manage a team for his life...only saying taht because of when he had all them urges to change his team every match !
Can't manage team but can win the champions league :rolleyes: .
Favourite 3

1. Arsene Wenger - Has done a superb job at Arsenal without having to spend the mega money that the rest have.

2. Alex Ferguson - Glad Rooney went to Man United. And Ronaldo. Perfect manager to control players. Anyone steps out of line and they're in for it.

3. Claudio Ranieri - Funny

Special mention goes to Gianluca Vialli (who I want to come back!), Mourinho, Benitez and Jol.


Worst 3

1. Joe Royle - Cannot stand the man. Constantly moans about everything when his side loses and decides the fans of his club are the best in the world. This of course means he has to mention it in every interview he does.

2. David Moyes - Typical angry ginger Scot in my opinion. Don't like his eyes. Was glad when Rooney left Everton as I would have ever faith in Moyes not to get the most out of him.

3. John Toshack - Just think hes a ******

Special mention to Glenn Roeder, Howard Wilkinson, Dave Bassett, Sam Allardyce and Louis Van Gaal (Basically because he looks like a turtle).
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1st - Fergie - Obvious Utd fan reasons mainly and the trophies he brings
2nd - Wenger - Ignoring the attitude he seems to have taught his players (Fabregas) you can usually have a few laughs at his interviews plus he makes his teams play lovely football
3rd - Aidy Boothroyd - Not all that sure why really just seems like an honest bloke.

Theres not too many manager i really dislike but one man definately makes the grade

1st - Warnock - An Arse and always has been after screwing Bury over when we were up in the 1st Division.
AmateurJimmy said:
Just wanted to see what yall think about managers, whos your top 3 and whos your bottom 3 with reason why

My top 3 are

1.Fergi apart from a keen united suporter the trophies and honours say it all
2.KEANOO gonna bring sunderland back up ;)
3.Neil Warnock for some reason i like him,


1.Arsene wenger, totall moaning BLAH and hes french
2.jose mourinho obvious reasons im a united fan
3.Rafael Benítez he cant manage a team for his life...only saying taht because of when he had all them urges to change his team every match !

could have guessed youre a united fan by having feguson and keane in the top list, and the arsenal, chelsea and liverpool managers in the bottom 3 lol.
Top 3

1. Jose Mourinho - Quality entertainment whatever the Chelsea result is.
2. David Moyes - I'm an Everton fan and he's managed to stop us being constantly in relegation battles.
3. Gordon Strachan - Legendary post-match interviews ahoy!

Bottom 3

1. Rafa Benitez - Absolute ****.
2. Neil Warnock - As above, but at least has some comedy value.
3. Arsene Wenger - Constant whinger.
Top 3

Ian Holloway - never fails to crack me up and hes honest
Jose - Like his confidence and arrogance
Rafa B - always avoids questions with "we will try hard" etc etc

Bottom 3

Fergie - Hate the two arm lofted celebration he does arghhhh!!
Arsene Wenger - Only sees what he wants to see
Kenny Jackett - guys a ****
Favourite or best? Sticking with favourites I'll always have a soft spot for Jim Jeffries, winning Hearts their first real trophy in my lifetime. Alex Ferguson is obviously a great manager who doesn't suffer fools gladly and to stick at the top for as long as he has shows the tenacity of the man if nothing else. Gordon Strachan is a good manager with the potential to be great and I'd like him for no other reason than his post-match interviews as FishFluff says. :D

Most disliked would be Jose Mourinho - I can acknowledge he is a good manager, possibly even a great one (as he'd like to be known) but that is part of the problem - he comes across as churlish, whinging, petty and arrogant. Maybe he can back up his statements and arrogance with performances from the team, frankly I care little - there are ways to win where you show a bit of humility and grace, sadly I have seen little from the man so I find it difficult to warm to him in any way. I can't think of another two managers who I hate, most managers don't irritate me, even those managing rival teams as they are just doing a job but Mourinho's gracelessness and myopia start to grate.
Jose Mourinho - I don't care what anyone says, the Premiership is a livelier place with him around, the whole Wenger vs Fergie dynamic was exceedingly boring by the time he arrived.
Alex Ferguson - As much as Man Utd fans would hate to admit it, him and Jose are similar in many ways, both are great with the mind games and ooze passion for their team, plus both are supremely successful as managers.
Ian Holloway - Amazed nobody has mentioned him so far, truly hilarious, is sharp, witty and has an unequalled way with words.

Wenger - No doubting his skill as a manager, but his absolute inability to give the opposing team any credit when he loses really gets on my nerves, people say Jose has no class, but he'll always give credit where it's due, something that Wenger could learn from. Oh and Wenger is the worst loser ever.

That's it really, I don't actively dislike any other managers.

1. Jose - as a chelsea fan i was never gonna say anything to the contrary, but i think the guy's a quality addition to the premiership. always good entertainment

2. rafa benitez - not the most charasmatic guy you'll ever meet and despite the occasional tactical mistake he's still one of the best managers in the game

3. Sam Allardyce - big sam. taken bolton to new levels, excellent manager - should be managing england.


1. arsene wenger - does he EVER stop whinging? i think he's admitted responsibility for poor performance less times than i have fingers on one hand. the man can clearly buy good players but i just want to... keep... hitting... his... face... sac le bleueeehhhghh

2. arsene wenger - does he EVER stop whinging? i think he's admitted responsibility for poor performance less times than i have fingers on one hand. the man can clearly buy good players but i just want to... keep... hitting... his... face... sac le bleueeehhhghh

3. arsene wenger - does he EVER stop whinging? i think he's admitted responsibility for poor performance less times than i have fingers on one hand. the man can clearly buy good players but i just want to... keep... hitting... his... face... sac le bleueeehhhghh

Top 3:

1) Harry Rednap - After witnessing him get Portsmouth promoted, then move to their arch enemies Southampton to get the relegated and then move back to Portsmouth and do a wonderful job I do admire the guy. (ok I also went to Pompy uni so they had a special place in my heart)

2) Wenger - Such a brilliant job keeping hold of the players he has and building a team that can play gorgeous football, all on a rather tight budget. (yes yes I'm an Arsenal fan!)

3) Fergie - Able to control his players better than most, not scared of making big decisions and the run of form speaks for it's self.

Bottom 3:

1) Sven - I understand and agree we shouldn't just expect to win big games but the style of football he devised was boring, dull and negative. Stupid squad choice for the world cup.

2) McClaren - Playing people out of positions, calling up Phil Nevill. I'm still 50% him 50% the players for recent England performances for who to blame.

3) Pardew - Just for being himself really.
Ukadder said:
1) Harry Rednap - After witnessing him get Portsmouth promoted, then move to their arch enemies Southampton to get the relegated and then move back to Portsmouth and do a wonderful job I do admire the guy. (ok I also went to Pompy uni so they had a special place in my heart)


You should be banned.


Wenger - For sticking to his principles that a team can win whilst also being entertaining. Respects the fans and the game. All on a tiny budget.

Fergie - Just for what he's achieved, gets the best out of players and i love it when he gets mad with a player, pulls no punches.

Coppell - Done excellent things with reading this season. Similar to Wenger that he's put together a team that can win without doing it the ugly way, got promotion from the championship doing that too which is a notorious kickathon. Again all done on a tiny budget.


Allardyce - Biggest advocate of the 'ugly football wins' approach, team full of brutes who will happily kick a fellow players legs in to win. No class and thinks far too much of himself. Plus the image of him chewing gum with that silly microphone on makes me want to punch his walrusy face.

Mark Hughes - Similar to Allardyce, plays horrible football, manages like he used to play, ugly and doing whatever it takes to win, even if its not in the spirit of the game. Its no coincidence that Bolton and Blackburn are reducing ticket prices to combat falling crowds, play some entertaining football then!!

Mourinho - I respect him for his abilities, and even feel sorry for him over the way he's being treated by Abramovich, but that does not change the fact that he is an insufferable prat.
[ASSE]Hinchy said:
Favourite 3

2. David Moyes - Typical angry ginger Scot in my opinion. Don't like his eyes. Was glad when Rooney left Everton as I would have ever faith in Moyes not to get the most out of him..

Because He's improved his game no end since he joined Manu? His performances for england where better at everton than they have ever been at Manu.

All Moyes tried to do was keep him off Mcdonalds wall and out of the spot light so he would concentrate on his football. Ferguson has let them have the Hello magazine type parties and Imho he's not a better footballer for it. Neither has his attitude improved at ManU. Infact come england match days on here most of the posts wouldnt even have him playing.
Top 3 not all alive

Martin Jol - Big jolly chap tells it like it is and would have gone toe to toe with Wenger

Staurt Pearce - Possibly the most honourable man in football

Cloughie - how could a top 3 not feature this man


David O'Leary - has no redeeming features whatsoever

Arsene Wenger - whine moan, i didnt see it,

Graham Taylor - how he ever became England manger i dont know, his 5 live commentry should be proscibed to insomniacs, not even a nearly man a miles away man didnt even have the ability to see he was rubbish
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