Your first knee drag, wheelie etc?

What generation GSXR 750 did you have and how would you compare it to the Daytona 675 (which gen did you have btw?)?

K7 gixxer - good bike, if a bit too clinical/characterless.

Had the original Daytona, 07 reg iirc - the model with the mesh in the nose cone, rather then the later gray plastic.

Imo the 675 is probably one of THE best bikes I have ever owned, only got rid of it as I had a very close call, entirely my fault.
-Knee down Le Mans, don't remember when.
-Wheelie Accidentally when accelerating hard between two taxis when the lights changed......outside Harrods
-Stoppie A couple which felt high when people walked out between busses
-Powerslide None intentionally, unless aquaplaning counts, but that was both wheels and only a very short distance.
-Tank Slapper/Shimmy small ones all the time, never a major one though :)
First of been riding since i was 17 TZR125. Now 44 and still love riding.

Knee down - When i first got my R6 back in 99 and had my first set of leathers with knee sliders. Wanted to be able to get my knee down real bad. So didn't stop til i had it.. From there, it was at every opportunity ! dont do it anymore, simply cos i no longer own any leathers with sliders.

Wheelie - Powered wheelie all over the place in, but TBH, never did one of those long controlled stay up for ages wheelies. I wish i could, but don't really bother trying. My FZ09 lifts the front everytime i pull away from the lights hard, but again, i'm not doing anything fancy clutched. Besides i now live in Florida, and well lets just say we never wear the appropriate gear. So in a way that keeps me from hooning around as much.. Not to mention i'm 44 and a little more privy to hurting myself.

Stoppie.. Never done a decent one.. Just too costly too me for it to go wrong. Prolly done a couple on hard braking, not nothing intentional.

Powerslide.. Loads, actually when i'm on my dirt bike, i just love to powerslide.

Tank Slapper - Had some really bad ones on my R6 V1. til i got an ohlins damper. Cant believe Yamaha let the bike out the factory like it.. must have been responsible for many accidents. You'd open that bad boy up, and next thing you know you're in a vicious tank slapper... Actually nearly got thrown off under the dunlop bridge at Donnington, hitting at least 120mph, with the slight bump there.
-Knee down - never.
-Wheelie - On the GSA always, on the R6 only over crests, On the R1 way too scary.
-Stoppie - Only when some bint did a u turn on me and I had to really slam on hard.
-Powerslide - never
-Tank Slapper - R6 full beans twice (5sl model) Shakes it head all the time over rough roads.

-Knee down Never. Does toe down count?
-Wheelie A 1st gear power wheelie on the Tuono, at least 4 feet inches off the ground.
-Stoppie Never. (I can see a trend coming on here...)
-Powerslide Never. Unless you count sliding the front as a powerslide...
-Tank Slapper/Shimmy Never.

Hmm. :p

Probably something to do with riding a 50bhp IL4 with a massive 28lb/ft of torque (oh yes!!) for the last year and a half.

I'm sure that will change now I'm riding a 140bhp, 80lb/ft 1000cc v-twin :D

-Knee down - nope
-Wheelie - yes on my Chinese 125 "supermoto" and if i'm ragging the Bandit off the line
-Stoppie - yes on my Chinese 125 "supermoto" again
-Powerslide - nope
-Tank Slapper/Shimmy - nope
-Knee down - On a 'fast' (at the time for my experience) ride, kept going and going then poo'd a little. Do track riding now so done it regularly.
-Wheelie - First one was over a crest of a hill, 2nd gear. Have popped a few intentionally but I'm no good. I'm always better at keeping the front up when it lifts as a result of pushing on then on purpose
-Stoppie - done a few emergency stops in my time, some at speed too
-Powerslide - had a few but don't tend to mind it, I just let it do its thing
-Tank Slapper/Shimmy - Again, had a couple. Worst one was in Spain a few months ago, honestly thought it was going to spit me off at that point.
-Knee down Two weekends ago in Jerez (the pic doesn't show it... but closest photo I have haha)

-Wheelie Learned on a mates MSX... And then had small power wheelies happening on the main straight in Jerez. Comes out of a slow corner in second and then just full throttle through the gears. First time on the R1 and it was insanely fun. On my 100bhp cbr I could go full throttle and it would jump but that was it. On the R1 it shakes and squirms :D

-Stoppie Never tried, seems way too scary.
-Powerslide First on the CBR around rubbish quality tarmac roundabouts. Spain towns have terrible tarmac, shiny and horrible. So had the back step out a few times. First time that it actually happened at speed though was on track on the R1, just giving some throttle out of a corner and guess I did it too fast and it stepped out for a micro second. I just need to go through the whole corner faster I think :D
-Tank Slapper/Shimmy Shimmy on the R1 when full throttle on the straight. Just the front squirming about as the wheel would have been not touching much. Tank Slapper I don't think I've ever had a proper one. I had some shake when hard braking but think that was more the rear (no slipper) and my rubbish down shifting.
Knee down - nope, kevalar jeans. Toe down though, try not to do it too often. It's a bit silly on public roads imo. You end up 100% committed to the corner which means you're stuffed if there's traffic/wildlife/peds/cyclists.

Wheelie - nope. I tried the other day for the first time but it just felt so mean to the make the bike do it

Stoppie - No, they're dumb.

Powerslide - Nope.

Tank Slapper - Slight wobble after a unseen bump in the road but it went away.
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