Your greatest/coolest sporting achievement (with pics)

26 Dec 2007
Post your alpha sporting moment here...

Mine was back in high school, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, I was 17.

My coed school was quite big into water-polo and I had been the 1st team goalie since I was 15 and had represented my province (county).

Anyway, every Thursday evening we would play the club mens teams at our pool for extra experience and this particular evening we had a game against the u18 girls provincial team (75% were from my school anyway so not such a big deal as we would train together and hang out all the time).

During the 1st huddle inbetween chukkas (quarters) as a laugh I proposed doing a buffel maneuver (looking back now it equates to an alpha maneuver).

The plan would be, if the ball was in our half by the time the end of game 10 second whistle blew - the ball would be passed back to me in goal for a shot at their goal.

So the 10 second whistle blows, the ball is with my center back - all my team nearby are chanting 'buffel, buffel, buffel'

The ball bounces perfectly on the water in front of me, in one smooth move I scoop it up and, putting my back, arm and shoulder into it, launch the ball 25 metres towards the opposing goals.

Mid flight the end game whistle blows - the ball lands on the water, a meter short of the goals and bounces swiftly to the back of the net - GOOAAaalll!!

This would have been an easy save if it wasn't for the goalie having a conversation with her coach at the time, but I digress.

My whole team erupts - BUFFEL! :cool:

It was an epic moment, the stuff of legends, something mentioned as an 'oh let's try this' became reality, I was nicknamed 'the Buffel™' ever since amonst my team. Not to mention more attention from the girls - most of them being hawt :D

Perhaps you had to be there but it would have made an awesome ending to a high school basketball feel good disney type movie :)

The scene was pretty much like this (in my mind at least)


So what's your sporting tale of cool?
This is rugby, I'm in blue

So I got the ball somehow and was like

Then I got past some kids, ran the pitch and ended up like this.

I scored a try and it was
I have no photos but mine is badminton. At school I used to be interested in badminton but not really very good. When I was older (20ish) I went on a badminton course run in part by the council. From there we made a club with the participants in the course. I eventually outgrew that club as I improved more so than the others did. I then joined another club and realised I really wasn't very good. Fast forward about 12 months and I have improved a lot, I am now one of the best of this second club I went to.

At school I was rubbish at sport and completely disinterested too. It's only since becoming an adult have I properly realised the benefits it can bring you in both physical health and mental wellbeing.

Sport for the win.
I ran the 800m for my form every year in secondary school, came 4th every year out of 9 runners as I didn't stop after the first 100m when we could see who would win.

Also got man of the match in the 6th form 5 as side in our 2nd group of death game (first I let in 3 but they were the best team by miles) and the second I made 9 saves in a 15 min match!
that bike was epic, sold it once, then bought it back again
it turned heads, and when i was going hell for leather on it doing 20ft road gaps i couldnt care less what colour it was.
sassy pink was the colour and lots of people wanted it
2 from the last year of Primary - Scored a full on "Pele in Escape to Victory" style Overhead kick in the playground - Playing rounders for the school vs hated rivals when I caught the ball sooo sweetly with my swing that the ball went miles and was effectively a homerun for myself and all 3 bases (took 3 throws to get it back to homebase it went that far!)
Random game of basketball during a "do what you want" P.E lesson in Year 11.


Not only is it 45degrees to the right, it's also 45degrees backwards (towards you, the viewer).

Good times.
Struie Course at Dornoch - can't remember the hole number. Tee shot went into the middle of some thinnish gorse bushes. Could just about get my club to the ball and make a restricted twisted swing of sorts. Had around 150 to the pin, took a 7 iron to account for the fact I'm playing from a bush, swing hard and steep, the club clatters through the bush and the ball pops out sweet as could be, flies to the front of the green and rolls straight in for an eagle!

Most ridiculous shot I'll ever make, in a competition I'd have probably just taken a penalty drop and not even played it.


Winning the UK maths postgraduate football tournament :p

European Karate championship semi final

Was fighting a german guy, and being semi-contact (I was <18) you could only lightly connect with kicks or punches to the head. Anyway, I got the first 2 points and thought it was going well, when he straight up punches me in the nose.

You know that feeling? arghhhhhhh :mad:

Ref warns that guy and after a talking to by the coach we continue. WHACK, another punch to the nose. This time I'm fuming. I appeal to the ref and he does nothing, but to be honest I'd already seen red.

The ref re-starts the round and I had one thing in my head "punch this guy in the face". Stepped up, he faked a kick and I flew at him like a tramp on a sandwich. Broke his nose :p

I got DQ'd, but the best part was I got cheered off by the team and when I rung my dad he basically laughed. Not my greatest, but one of the funniest.
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