Your random pictures..

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Stolly said:
I know that pic, it shows two USAF F15's about to intercept two Soviet MIG29's over Alaska in the late 80's.

It was all friendly though, the MIG's were on the way to an airshow.
Thanks I tried looking for a hi res of that, but didn't have enough to go on:

Two Soviet MiG-29 aircraft en route to an air show in British Columbia are intercepted by F-15 Eagle aircraft of the 21st Tactical Fighter Wing.
Camera Operator: KEVIN L. BISHOP
Date Shot: 1 Aug 1989

Link 2810 x 1870 pixels - 1,719 KB
Azagoth said:

Awesome pic, inspired me to make my own! Damn hard to stitch together, cos the bridge is so close in the middle there's tons of distortion, made from about 10 pics...


And another panorama I did last weekend in Filey, linked since it'll screw up everyone's windows otherwise!

Hamzter said:
Awesome pic, inspired me to make my own! Damn hard to stitch together, cos the bridge is so close in the middle there's tons of distortion, made from about 10 pics...


And another panorama I did last weekend in Filey, linked since it'll screw up everyone's windows otherwise!

how do you take the pictures? can u split the image up so I can see where the individual shots were taken?

I just used a normal digital camera using the stitch assist function (helps line up pics), here's the first 3 pics i took....

It's then just a matter of aligning them in photoshop, and use a soft edge eraser to blend the images, I also had to use the distort transformation and liquify tools to make a smooth curve in the middle. Because of the slightly different perspective of each shot, some bits wouldn't have lined up no matter how hard I tried, so I used the clone tool to make it fit. Some pics also require a bit of touch up to get a smooth transition between pics, since the exposure will change on each shot.

For large scale panoramas (like mountain scapes), it's usually fine to just use an automatic stitcher, but ones with close objects require more work.
Few others I've done in the past (if you can't tell, I like panoramic pics :p )

The middle of nowhere, somewhere in yorkshire...

Cayton Bay, East Yorkshire

Grindlewald, Switzerland

I managed to catch a butterfly on the last one, I like convincing people it's an eagle :p
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Nice Panoramas. Here's one I took from the top of Trou aux Cerfs, the volcano of Mauritius looking out across the island:

(Click for larger, 9400x600)

I commented after putting the picture up in the Photography forums a while back that if this tiny island is as massive as it looks in the picture, surely there is enough room in the world for us all to get along with each other?
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