z390 pro and Team Group 4000mhz 32gb RAM

14 Jan 2013
Well.... XMP doesnt work, and I am reluctant to Flash the BIOS...
My google-fu hasn't given me any obvious fixes, so here I am, hello all.

Bought the 32gb 4000mhz 8 pack Team Group RAM, Gigabyte z390 pro wifi, with an I7 9700k, tried to xmp without an overclock, sends me straight back to bios, tried manual speed and timings and voltage, doesnt work...

CPU is now overclocked fine at 4.9 ghz with little to no extra voltage added, all good, but the memory just wont do it.

CPU-Z is showing DRAM Frequencyt ay 1066mhz, BIOS shows 2133mhz and only has one XMP profile, I'm stuck, and it's been years since ive done anyting with a BIOS, and this is my first experience with a gigabyte board.
But everyone was raving about the awesome VRM's... shame no one mentioned the awful RAM support, or is it the RAM I should be shouting at?

Help me OcUK, you're my only hope.

EDIT: NOW WORKING AT 18-18-18-38 with Enhanced Stability selected!! WOO!!!
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So far manged to get it to run at 3200 mhz with 15 15 15 35, then bumped it to 3600mhz 16 16 16 36.
1.4v in the power settings.

Going to try 20 20 20 40 tonight and see if that gets it to 4000mhz.
Was a bit dissapointed by this but fingers crossed i can get it up to 4000.

Also got the cpu up to 5ghz, 20c on idle, 40c on load so far, very happy with that, so the board is good for that so far.

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If you are still on the original bios you should update anyway as there have been memory compatibility and stability updates since then. It's a painless process and only takes a minute or so.

Uhh ok will do tonight... does a bios flash require a Windows reinstall of any kind?
Stupid question I know but I've never touched bios upgrades.
Ok... bios updated... enabled xml without an overclock on the cpu... restart... won't boot up, lights on, xmp light on, no bios menu or anything... great...

Had to clear CMOS and flash bios again, re-entered all my old settings and good to go, back at 3600mhz, not sure how else to get it to 4000
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Just a heads up and bump.
Managed to get to 4000mhz using 19-19-19-40 and 1.4v
Not the best as I bought it for the low latency, but will do for now!
If anyone else gets lower timing using the same MOBO, let me know in here.

EDIT: NOW WORKING AT 18-18-18-38 with Enhanced stability selected!!!
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check the speed is it running them at 3600mhz??

It is possible that Enhanced stability runs some lower timings "looser" so as to achieve stability or compatibility!!! would be good to have benches to see what this is doing exactly.... I in the run upto computex and new 8Pack products don't have time to test this out now.

Have run mem test in cmd.exe and all 4 sticks are running at 4000.
CPUz also shows it correctly.
How would I bench the ram to get the timings to you?
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