Brexit thread - what happens next

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18 Oct 2002
I'd love to see how many businesses saying they'll move actually do, and how many are just run by huge remain supporters throwing their toys out of the pram because they've just been told they can't have their favourite flavour of ice cream.

You're assuming they were on the Remain side for anything other than selfish business-related reasons. If it makes business sense to relocate then why wouldn't they? No business is going to deliberately damage their economic prospects just to make a point to people that don't trust them anyway.
16 Aug 2009
There will be riots if they overturn it or try to use it as an opinion poll. I don't think anyone truly believes that we won't end up leaving. The issue is how long is it going to take and how badly is the economy going to be hit in the short to medium term.

Of course we'll leave, no-one will dare overturn what the people clearly want. It'd be a travesty of democracy. Although there are plenty of lefties who clearly want to overturn it by any means possible, look at the protests in London yesterday who were probably the same ones who where jeering Boris the day before the election. They're not even limited to criticising Tories they were laying into a female Labour MP who had the temerity to challenge Jeremy Corbyn aka "the messiah" via Twitter.

Amusingly I was chatting to some Americans earlier this evening (I'm in the US at the moment) and they were impressed how fast we can get **** done. They back up your point and said it would take them at least 10 years to get to this kind of vote, and didn't think that is a good thing.

Obama can't get a single thing through Congress. He's basically a lame duck president and he has been since the moment he took office. Health care.. nada. Gun control... nada. Do people really want 5 years of utter paralysis here?

BBC News sucks these days.

Fixed it for you. Though Peston on ITV is scarcely any better he barely even bothers to hide his lefty credentials. And I'm getting really tired of every Remainer branding a Leaver as a Rascist. Its lazy stereotyping.
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7 Feb 2015
South West
The fact an opt out may exist doesn't mean the Government of the day would use it and it also doesn't preclude the creation of an EU armed forces via some other mechanism or underhand political scheme. For the second time today, I don't trust them.

Pretty much, the EU is an underhanded organisation that does not care for the population as a whole. It only cares that it keeps/gains power and does not see any problems with communitys as long as the money and trade keeps flowing.

There have even been talks of removing the ability of countries to Veto and fully instating majority rule when it comes to passing legislation. So even though we have the ability to op out of things that we perceive as detrimental to our country/economy, that won't last.

And if you think they are not trying to limit countries abilities to Veto, they are already doing it now with trade deals. And will no doubt extend it into the future.

The EU is not for the people, it is for those at the top. The problem is that many of the remain people, especially the younger ones, don't see the negatives since they have been living in more affluent areas. They also don't care beyond them gaining the full benefits of being in, even if the negatives are destroying other parts of the country and economy.
29 Jan 2008
I find the sombre mood among the Leave camp to be particularly alarming, if they thought they had no chance of winning, or had no idea what to do if they actually won - why were they campaigning in the first place?


I think this is going to end up being overturned, one way or another. It doesn't look like anyone wants our withdrawal to move forward, or has the bottle to actually proceed with it...

I think you're too easily swayed by the media trying to portray that picture... Just because you're not seeing Boris popping Champagne (which would be silly given the divided nature of this result and his ambitions to be PM) and Channel 4 New have shown some face-palm statements from Barnsley

it doesn't look like it is to be overturned at all, it is just a reflection of the obvious butt hurt that the losing side was inevitably going to feel. We don't have clear plans published for an out vote as they partly depend on who lead's the country next and what is on the table from the other EU member states.

Likewise there were no plans from remain re: uncontrolled migration or the collapse of Southern European economies a la Greece.
18 Oct 2002
The media are going out of their way to only interview people who are either clueless, racist, or downright thick.

I for one am sick of the news trying to emulate reality TV. Am I watching BBC news or Big Brother? It's hard to tell at times.

Their "ordinary people on the street" are anything but. They are always people giving unbalanced or provocative opinions.

News sucks these days.

I'm not talking about 'the media'. Either there are a lot of people making things up on social media for attention, making false reports to police, and faking far-right demos in Newcastle, or we need to accept that this exercise has been an enabling moment for people with quite horrific views.
7 Feb 2011
Stoke on Toast
That is because nobody knows how bad it will be. We will take a hit for up to ten years but will it be better after that or will it just be the start? Nobody knows.
The ordinary people always get the **** end of the stick. BJ, Gove, Cameron will do OK.

Oh don't get me wrong I agree and voted remain. I just feel this knee jerk Armageddon reaction is helping nothing. We were always going to take a hit. The challenges we now face is cashing in on the freedom we do have. There is potential and it needs to be harnessed. It might take years we don't know. But another referendum and all this nonsensical hysteria achieves nothing.

The referendum was a complete balls up and a guaranteed short term mistake but the EU was eventually going to come to this in my opinion. We protected our pound out of fear. The EU parliamentary members have always hated that. Can anyone honestly say that we could change the EU from the inside? Are we certain that it guaranteed 40 years of stability and growth?
The relationship was tenuous at best and out right hostile at worse.

I work for a company that will definitely feel the pinch but we won't pack up shop and give up we will do everything we can to continue being one of the best companies to buy your enthusiast hardware from.
11 Oct 2004
I've had a fair few emails from customers over the weekend.

1) What the hell is going to happen with data protection laws in the intervening period between leaving and getting a treaty established? I have pan-European customers who use our services here who don't know if they can continue hosting stuff in the UK in the next two years.

At the moment, our laws are still harmonised with the rest of the EU. Nothing will change unless we or the EU change our data protection laws. That could take decades.
29 Jan 2008
Is that happening, or is it just there have always been horrible racists doing horrible racist things and they are being highlighted more in the wake of the vote (mainly by left wing outlets with a point to prove) where they would have been ignored and not given a platform before?

probably a mix of both... despite an attempt by some in the media to brand all leave voters as racist idiots... something which probably encouraged their resolve in voting leave in the first place
25 Aug 2010
Pretty much, the EU is an underhanded organisation that does not care for the population as a whole. It only cares that it keeps/gains power and does not see any problems with communitys as long as the money and trade keeps flowing.

There have even been talks of removing the ability of countries to Veto and fully instating majority rule when it comes to passing legislation. So even though we have the ability to op out of things that we perceive as detrimental to our country/economy, that won't last.

And if you think they are not trying to limit countries abilities to Veto, they are already doing it now with trade deals. And will no doubt extend it into the future.

The EU is not for the people, it is for those at the top. The problem is that many of the remain people, especially the younger ones, don't see the negatives since they have been living in more affluent areas. They also don't care beyond them gaining the full benefits of being in, even if the negatives are destroying other parts of the country and economy.

If you think Westminster is any different you are absolutely mental!
15 Feb 2003
If anything, this referendum shows that the main historic parties are out of touch with a large amount of the British people. It's time, just like the EU that they were burned down and new parties emerge that better represent the electorate.

Similarly, rather than conservative reform, the EU should be rebuilt from scratch.
8 Mar 2007
Large companies hate uncertainty just as much as the rest of us and they have the capacity to actually do something about it pretty quickly.

They hate uncertainty so they'll go ahead and move previously stable offices to another part of the world, having to find new staff...which is a tactic that contains no uncertainty at all of course :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
Actually, whatever happens next, I'd like to see a judicial review of both campaigns. It's clear that lies, fear and misinformation abounded. Many of us were clear on that even before we went to vote. Anyone found to have been deliberately misleading voters should be held to account.
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