CRB check - what does it show?

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
It's working with pre-school children, so hence the enhanced check.

The fire incident, thinking back on it, was more like 23 years ago - I must have been about 13 years old or so. The bobby just noted down our names and addresses in his pocket book. We helped him stamp out the last few flames and he told us to be on our way!

Germany happened 20 years or so ago. Like I said - I was detained in a shop for shoplifting. The police were called and searched me. They also found a load of car badges I'd been nicking too. They took my name and address details down of the place I was staying at in Germany and also my home address. I got a latter several months later saying (it was in German - I did my best to translate it myself - I wasn't going to ask my parents to do it :o) and from what I could work out the police said that the shop did not want to press charges (or words to that effect) and that the police were not going to investigate the theft of the badges any more. I can't remember if it said anything about reporting the matter to the UK police. I was 15 or so at the time.

I've not been in any bother since Germany though.
18 Jan 2006
The fire one isn't going to show, I've had my name taken when I was that age for simply playing football in the wrong place, you get the feeling they just write your name and address down for effect.
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
for the enhanced disclosure, they'll look at
police records of convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings
information from the list held under section 142 of the education act 2002
isa children's barred list
isa vulnerable adults' barred list
other relevant information disclosed at the chief police officers discretion (whatever that means)
4 Sep 2005
When I had my ECRB it had all the stuff from when I was a young I.e <17 they won't tell your employer what you have on your record but they will inform your employer that it has been flagged providing its something minor and expect a meeting with HR if you suspect something might show.

I'm ECRB cleared and can work in schools and govt buildings and I have assault, criminal damage and obstruction on my record from when I was about 15/16. Providing you have nothing serious or recent (will straight up fail the crb) and can show you are not a risk then your employer should be fine :)

It is worth noting that violence related crimes, no matter how minor, can often bar you from working with vulnerable people but it does rather depend on the company. Also once you get your copy back you will know for sure what does and doesn't need to be declared.

A former colleague had a client who declared some quite serious offences but overlooked a comparatively minor one. However when her ECRB came back showing the minor one she had forgotten to mention she was instantly dismissed because she had 'technically' lied on her application and they were left with no option but to dismiss. can sometimes be of use too.
28 Dec 2011
It is worth noting that violence related crimes, no matter how minor, can often bar you from working with vulnerable people but it does rather depend on the company. Also once you get your copy back you will know for sure what does and doesn't need to be declared.

A former colleague had a client who declared some quite serious offences but overlooked a comparatively minor one. However when her ECRB came back showing the minor one she had forgotten to mention she was instantly dismissed because she had 'technically' lied on her application and they were left with no option but to dismiss. can sometimes be of use too.

This, I worked as a Volunteer Youth worker for quite some time and had to go to several meetings with managers regarding a Drunk and Disorderly Caution received in 1997 you then are expected to explain all your cautions which isnt a nice experience at all. In the end I was deemed okay to work with young/vulnerable people. Moral is if you have anything on their tell the future employer they will find out anyways also be prepared to have to explain them all.
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