Flash Video player??

Looks like a third party system, there's a few knocking around. If you right click there's a powered by option but it doesn't link to anything, usually it brings up details of the player. I'd email them and ask.
Flash 8+ has it's own inbuilt video components. Just import the video using the "File" menu and you're half way there.
gotoAndLearn has an excellent bunch of screencasts about making one from scratch. Scroll to the very bottom.

The builtin video components a very good although tend to be a little heavy, I think the flash movie was 200KB+ while a custom player was 10-15KB plus allowed much more control.

JW Player is excellent as well, very feature packed and customisable.
If you wanna do your own it takes about 10 seconds to get one up and running in Flash CS3/CS4. If you don't fancy making your own skin there are loads available for download online.
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