Overclocking Advice Q6600 Asus P5ND2-SE

10 Jan 2007
Hey folks,

Just need some advice on how to overclock my Q6600 G0 processor to 3ghz or more, currently running at stock speed with water cooling.

Can't seem to overclock beyond 2.6ghz. It loads up to the asus logo and then just freezes.

I have an Asus P5ND2-SE motherboard
2x2GB DDR2 667
Intel Quad Core Q6600 2.4ghz - G0
Water cooling - Thermaltake bigwater 760i
Nvidia 8500GT - 512MB
80GB Maxtor HD - IDE
1x 500GB - Hitachi sata HD
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 -SP1

I have a few pictures of my setup





More information about my motherboard

Help will be appreciated. thanks

Hi Sam,

I’m actually surprised you even got a quad core to work in that board, Asus state it doesn’t officially support quads.

It’s worth first establishing it is definitely 100% stable running quad instances of Prime, will give you the best indication of system stability.

You can start by turning off Intel EIST SpeedStep in the bios.

Manually input the correct vcore and vdimm voltages. Manually input the correct latencies for your ram, basically input manual all the know settings.

Give that a good first.
Why disable speed step?

Im running my Q6600 at 3ghz and i use speedstep and i have came across no issues.

It just lets it chill out when its idle so to speak.

Is there any reason why people actually so to disable this?

If theres a valid reason then apologizes i just don't see one
Many boards become unstable with EIST enabled when overclocking at high frequencies, and it caps your overclock.

The fact motherboard manufactures such as DFI and Abit actually tell you to switch it off when overclocking says a lot!

I’m sure it would be fine for a mild 3ghz overclock though.

cpu's don’t need to chill out, there not living breathing things, dont suffer from stress etc...:D keeping them cool is all they care about.
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