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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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6 Dec 2005
26 Jan 2004
So thats all we get today then, EYE infinity ???? wow so awsomely coool muuuun. *sarcastic*

No definitive specs
No Prices
No devinitive release date

NDA untill 1 day before release, thats pritty stupid imho, they should release specs now and lift NDA so reviews can get out there then it gives people the chance to save for them...

but all this waiting for this pish LOL
13 Jul 2005
Norfolk, South Scotland
So thats all we get today then, EYE infinity ???? wow so awsomely coool muuuun. *sarcastic*

No definitive specs
No Prices
No devinitive release date

NDA untill 1 day before release, thats pritty stupid imho, they should release specs now and lift NDA so reviews can get out there then it gives people the chance to save for them...

but all this waiting for this pish LOL

Quoted for truth. Almost 1400 posts and what do we get - a big screen thing. KyleW - what were you saying about my 8-12 week estimate?:rolleyes:
23 Oct 2005
So you spend £1200+ on monitors (6 x 23" Sammys @ £200 each) + Rolling Stones concert scaffoldng frame!! only to get owned by everybody else online in your fave FPS because YOUR CROSSHAIR IS SPLIT BETWEEN 2 BEZELS and you can't hit diddly squat.

If in a few months you notice some complete noob in an online game looking up and down really quickly and missing everything, he has 6 screens and a very large electricity bill to keep all the monitors and the ATI uberleafblasen 5XXX card running
16 Nov 2006
So you spend £1200+ on monitors (6 x 23" Sammys @ £200 each) + Rolling Stones concert scaffoldng frame!! only to get owned by everybody else online in your fave FPS because YOUR CROSSHAIR IS SPLIT BETWEEN 2 BEZELS and you can't hit diddly squat.

If in a few months you notice some complete noob in an online game looking up and down really quickly and missing everything, he has 6 screens and a very large electricity bill to keep all the monitors and the ATI uberleafblasen 5XXX card running

Borderless technology is coming! Beginning with consumer televisions, starting at a 3mm bezel, with further reduction in width coming. Skip to 2:20 for the good stuff. Only a matter of time before it translates to monitors. :)

31 May 2007
Quoted for truth. Almost 1400 posts and what do we get - a big screen thing. KyleW - what were you saying about my 8-12 week estimate?:rolleyes:

Have you not read the 23rd is the release date.

Last time I checked, 13 days is a lot less than 8-12 weeks, but I might be a bit rusty on how days work.

8-12 weeks and you're talking 2010. :confused:

I never said they were coming 10th, the 10th has always been more info with rumours of a release.
Last edited:
3 Nov 2004

Samsung are joining the ultra thin bezel brigade judging by one of the pictures at the bottom.

“Samsung has worked tirelessly to give consumers high-quality monitors that deliver both superb image quality and amazing design and ergonomics, and with our latest line of ultra-thin bezel displays, we’re bringing the best of both worlds to bear for a phenomenal computing experience using PCs with ATI Eyefinity technology,” said Young Bae, Director of Display Product Marketing for Samsung Electronics America, Information Technology Division. “Samsung’s ultra-thin bezel displays combined with ATI Eyefinity technology gives PC users a virtually seamless canvas on which to enjoy the latest games, entertainment and productivity applications.”
10 Sep 2009
Hi all newbie here, just signed up because I'm interested in getting one of these cards and have read the last few pages of this thread.

A few things to add...

This site in India says the press release will be tomorrow for the card, somewhere else I read the event is in the evening. Thursday evening in California = Friday morning in India = Europe is still in bed. So there might be more news when we wake up.

These guys
say the NDA is until the release date

As for multiple monitors, I think those of you knocking it are underestimating the power of the brain. In the majority of cases where you don't need to see the dead centre (such as crosshairs) the brain will filter out the black lines very quickly, within a few minutes you won't even notice them as these guys point out. They also happen to say that it seems any combination of monitors in any rotation or configuration (3x2, 2+4, 6X1) with differing resolutions is possible. I do a bit of photography and cameras replecate this effect if you are shooting through a wire fence with the fence quite close to you and using a low f-stop, the wires of the fence almost become invisible

And to end my first post for anyone those not quite grasping why this is different to having a bigger monitor I've thrown together a little gif

This is six projectors each displaying 1920x1080 to form one image of 5760x2160. The animation shows what you would see with just one monitor of 1920x1080, increase the monitor size and you simply scale that small area to a larger size, you don't see any more field of view.


Notice how with multiple monitors you can see the outlines of the baddies behind the walls? People with multiple monitors will have a big competitive advantage.

Having said all that, in a few years we are going to look at a setup like this...


And it's going to look hilariously antiquated.
13 Jul 2009
would have been great to see some figures on performance, little disappointed with what we have been shown. From the crysis performance tho it sounds tops, just be nice to know more.
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