Nobel Prize winner, Francis Crick claims we are alien to Earth!

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15 Sep 2006
Somewhere in York
The late Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner, co-discoverer of the shape of the DNA molecule and author of Life Itself, made the astounding claim ‘that an advanced civilisation transported the seeds of life in a spacecraft.

Indigenous tribes worldwide have within their oral history that they are visited by sky beings and are being genetically upgraded. The Dogan trib call the star visitors the Nummo, an alien species which came from Sirius and genetically upgraded humans when they came to Earth. The Aborigines of Australia also talk of the sky beings Wandjina, who made them and gave them laws to live by.

As an alternative to these nineteenth-century mechanisms, we have considered Directed Panspermia, the theory that organisms were deliberately transmitted to the earth by intelligent beings on another planet. We conclude that it is possible that life reached the earth in this way, but that the scientific evidence is inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability. We draw attention to the kinds of evidence that might throw additional light on the topic."

Crick and Orgel further expanded on this idea in their 1981 book, 'Life Itself.'. They believed there was little chance that microorganisms could be transported between planets and across interstellar distances by random accident. But a technological civilization could direct panspermia by stocking a spacecraft with a genetic starter kit. They suggested that a large sample of different microorganisms with minimal nutritional needs could survive the long journey between worlds.

Coming full circle to his groundbreaking discovery of DNA's structure, Crick wondered, if life began in the great "primeval soup" suggested by the Miller/Urey experiment, why there wouldn't be a multitude of genetic materials among the different life forms. Instead, all life on Earth shares the same basic DNA structure.

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So the dad of DNA claims that we are in fact evolution of bacteria sent from another alien world. Which begs the question if we have 2 alternate species living on this planet, e.g. The white man and the Asian man thing that was on the TV not long ago.

Could the Asian sub species be the real "humans" of this planet and the white man be the aliens? Or visa versa?

Also could the Junk DNA we think is useless actually contain information we cant comprehend?

Very interesting stuff.
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