This is my first dabble with building and so started with what I had.
Lessons being learnt all over the shop
Good man, We all started somewhere and made mistakes, the ones that don't have much money and run flaky old second hand kit really learn, especially with no money to replace stuff having to mend it at component level. The downside is it leaves a wound that starts hurting when you see lovely new kit being mistreated
Ok, I have a suggestion, Take all the overclocks off everything (and never use cpu auto overclocking, they just stupidly over volt the cpu) learn how to use the - voltage offset to actually undervolt that Haswell, you should even be able to get a small stable overclock at less than stock voltage
You obviously have precisionX, slide the power target and temp to minimum, again balancing temp and clock sliders will give you stock performance at lower voltage.
Even if you end up with everything under clocked you will still have more than enough power to do anything with that system, I think you will be surprised how little you loose performance wise but the heat reduction is massive. It goes without saying if you can get some more fans in that case do that also.
Personally I would keep at it until loaded temps never exceeded 70c on the GPU.
Forgot, that PSU would be a major cooling asset for that little case if it didn't have a "dumb " fan, If you cant get the fan to run continuously, replace it with a cheaper unit, 450Watt would be fine (you may want haswell compatible) although personally I'd take a chance and just use S3 standby.
Have fun