Man of Honour
I am testing this today. Please let me know your thoughts on it, there is likely to be a trial period where if it isn't abused we'll look to keep it if feedback is favourable.
Can't say that I'm overly bothered either way, but I guess more functionality is good.I think multi quoting would be good as long as it isn't overused/abused. Looking forward to being able to use it in the trial period
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For the slower amongst us how do you do it other than manually? I've just had a quick look and can't see anything particularly obvious.
I know it says that HTML code is off, but try using < p> tags. It works. (or just edit a reply)
i cant see how to do it either
It would be handy, I always remember people like CBS knocking up his post count by quoting every person in a new post. That really peeves me off
whats so special about multi quoting
is it just what im doing but saving you the extra CTRL + C and CTRL + V ?
willhub said:Was not even half an hour since the thread was created, maybe the feature has not been implemented yet?
so whats this then?
means you can do stuff like this
and nest quotes within quotes.
or just quote multiple people
within one quote