***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

15 Sep 2006
Somewhere in York

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

This is a post for people who might be interested in the new expansion.

I'll be keeping this updated with confirmed and unconfirmed news.

The World

Zones and their planned levels:

* Howling Fjord (68-72)
* Borean Tundra (68-72)
* The Dragonblight (71-75)
* Zul'Drak (73-76)
* Grizzly Hills (74-76)
* Azjol-Nerub (74-78)
* Sholazar Basin (75-78)
* The Storm Peaks (77-80)
* Icecrown Glacier (77-80)
* Lake Wintergrasp (Outdoor PvP)
* Dalaran (Neutral Capital City)

Howling Fjord:


The Howling Fjord is located in south-eastern Northrend. It forms Daggercap Bay, where the forces of Arthas originally landed on the continent. Stranded by Arthas, the 5,000-strong expedition set up the outpost of Valgarde. Valgarde has since become the center of Alliance activity on Northrend. Indigenous life forms include frost wolves, Drakkari ice trolls, nerubians, murlocs of the White Shark Tribe, Wendigos, the Vrykul and Iron Dwarves.

It contains 1 Dungeon called Utgarde Keep, it will be inhabited by the vrykul (led by King Ymiron), a Viking-like race bent on proving their strength to the Lich King, who will raise the most worthy of their warriors to serve him beyond the grave. Therefore, it can be expected that this instance will feature at least some undead.

Borean Tundra:


Located at the far western edge of Northrend, the Borean Tundra is the home of the Tuskarr. Drakkari trolls, blue dragons, the Undead Scourge and naga also inhabit the zone. Important landmarks of the region include the Tuskarr capital of Kaskala and the Riplash Ruins. Coldarra is an island just off the coast.

It contains 1 Dungeon called The Nexus. The Nexus is an ancient ice fortress found in the center of Coldarra, in Northrend's Borean Tundra. It is a column of magical energy surrounded by levitating earth-covered rings with ice caves underneath.

The Dragonblight:


The Great Dragonblight is a graveyard of Dragons, located in Northrend. The entrance to the Nerubian kingdom of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the north, while the mysterious Wyrmrest Temple resides in the south. The Magnataur village of Bloodmar lies here also, as well as the Tauren outpost of Icemist Village, and the nerubian conclave of Sundered Monolith.

It contains 2 Dungeons called Chamber of Aspects and Naxxramas.

The Chamber of Aspects is a secret chamber where the five great Dragon Aspects would convene whenever they wished to meet. In The Demon Soul, book two of the War of the Ancients Trilogy, it was here that Neltharion revealed the Demon Soul, his solution to ending the invasion of the Burning Legion and urged the other Aspects as well as their flights to give up a portion of their essences to power it. Foolishly, they did so — and enslaved themselves to Neltharion's will.

An ancient Nerubian ziggurat, Naxxramas was torn free from the ground by agents of the Lich King to serve as Kel'Thuzad's base of operations as he spreads the plague throughout Lordaeron.



Zul'Drak is an area located in eastern Northrend. It is home to the Drakkari Ice Trolls and their Frost King Malakk. Their capital is the city of Gundrak. Zul’Drak belongs to the Drakkari, who roam in hunting parties searching for prey. Old troll ruins are strewn across the countryside and the Scourge hovers just beyond the western border, waiting for a chance to strike.

It contains 2 Dungeons called Drak'Tharon Keep and Gundrak.

Drak'Tharon Keep is a fort where Prince Arthas Menethil stayed while searching for the runeblade Frostmourne. It was here that his death was foretold by Mal'ganis, and where he met up with his old teacher and dear friend Muradin Bronzebeard.

Gun'Drak is the capital of the Ice Troll nation of Zul'Drak, in eastern Northrend. The Drakkari tribe rule Zul'Drak from here, constantly battling the mighty forces of the Scourge.

Grizzly Hills:


The Grizzly Hills, located in south-eastern Northrend, is the home ground of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. The dwarven settlement of Thor Modan can be found in the north, as well as the Scourge fortress of Drak'Tharon Keep. Over 20,000 furbolgs live in the Grizzly Hills, most in the large settlement of Grizzlemaw.

It contain 1 Dungeon called Drak'Tharon Keep.

Like Blackrock Mountain, Drak'Tharon will be a two-zone feature, and will have two wings - one accessible from the Grizzly Hills for level 72-74 players, and one accessible from Zul'Drak for level 74-76 players.


Azjol-Nerub, also known as the Spider Kingdom, the vast underground empire of the arachnid Nerubians, located on the icy continent of Northrend. The entrance to Azjol-Nerub can be found in the northern reaches of the Dragonblight.

No map is available and not much information either. Will update with more later.

Sholazar Basin:


The Sholazar Basin is a tropical jungle in the midst of Northrend. It is found between the Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier. How such a place could exist in the frozen wastes of Northrend is unknown. Much like Kalimdor’s Un'Goro Crater, the Sholazar Basin is an anomaly.

There are no dungeons here.

The Storm Peaks:

No map, will update when its available.

The Storm Peaks are a mountain range in the north-east of Northrend. It is where a mysterious race of Storm Giants live. The third Titan city of Ulduar is also located here. The winds that rip through the mountains are extremely violent and dangerous.

It contains 1 Dungeon called Ulduar.

Ulduar is a mysterious subterranean realm of ice and stone. This is the storm giants’ stronghold, but they didn’t build it. It is a Titan city — it matches the design of the two temples in Northrend, and other ruins dwarves have found elsewhere (And like Uldum and Uldaman, its name starts with “Uld”). It’s an amazing place but one would never know it from the outside, because it’s completely hidden. The exterior looks like the other peaks: a jumble of rock and ice cut at angles only nature would have produced. The entrance is well-hidden and heavily guarded by crystalline golems, but a clever individual can sneak inside.

Icecrown Glacier:

No map, will update when its available.

The name of Icecrown became infamous when Kil'jaeden hurled the Lich King back into the mortal world. Ner'zhul's prison slammed into the glacier, creating the Frozen Throne. The impact was seen as far away as the Grizzly Hills. Here the Lich King remained until freed by Arthas and the two beings merged into Arthas' body. The merge created such a large explosion that a large portion of the glacier was blown away, leaving a gigantic throne in its place, upon which sits the Lich King. From the new Icecrown Citadel he commands the Scourge.

It contains 1 Dungeon called Icecrown Citadel,

From the name one would assume Icecrown Citadel was an enormous fortress planted on the glacier, with thick walls, sturdy guard towers, and massive front gates. Not quite. Most of the citadel lurks below the surface. The glacier is split, creating a deep fissure. Scourge forces lurk down there, and they have carved levels into either side of that massive split and created bridges, walkways and even solid floors across the gap. Not surprisingly, Icecrown Citadel is a cold, unforgiving place. It has no decorations, no furs or rugs, no fires, nothing to provide comfort or warmth. The Scourge creatures move silently from one problem to another, focused on their tasks. All manner of undead dwell here, including zombies, wraiths and beings composed of cold energy. At the bottom of the rift is the Frozen Throne, the heart of the Scourge and the Lich King’s personal seat. This throne is the remains of the block of ice that first brought Ner’zhul to Azeroth, the same block that held him prisoner until Arthas freed the ancient orc shaman and merged with him. Arthas sits on the Frozen Throne.

Lake Wintergrasp:

No map, will update when its available.

Lake Wintergrasp is a large lake located in between Sholazar Basin, the Borean Tundra, The Dragonblight, and Icecrown Glacier. It is the largest body of water, albeit frozen, on the continent of Northrend.

Lake Wintergrasp will appear as a zone fully dedicated to World PvP, even on PvE servers. It will focus on siege weapon warfare.

Lake Wintergrasp is WoW's first non-battleground zone solely devoted to PvP action.

According to a fixed, rolling schedule, one faction will defend the keep/mine, and the other faction will assault it. Both sides will fight over towers and siege workshops scattered around the zone.

If the attacking force succeeds in capturing the keep/mine, that faction will defend it during the next rotation. If that attacking force fails to capture the final objective before the next rotation, that faction will be given more resources (unknown to what those might be for now)" to balance out the fight, and give every faction a chance to hold Lake Wintergrasp.

Lake Wintergrasp will feature a variety of new daily quests. These quests include (but are not limited to): quests where you have to ride a mount with an NPC, holding attackers at bay; flying aircraft quests; flying mount quests where you have to lower ropes to evacuate NPCs; in these quests, mounts can hold multiple players!



Old Dalaran


The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran, also known as the Magical Nation of Dalaran, is a magocratic city-state which exists within Alterac Mountains (formerly Alterac) of northern Eastern Kingdoms. Its leaders rule the single city. Recently the city, including the Violet Citadel, has somehow been moved to the icy land of Northrend. Ruled by the Kirin Tor, Dalaran is one of the original seven kingdoms originating from the days of the Nation of Arathor. Since its foundation until Arthas laid siege to the city, and brought about its destruction, the Violet Citadel had served as the focal point for magi and the study of the arcane throughout human history. The kingdom's national color is violet, and its flag is a yellow or possibly golden eye set against a light purple background.
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The Classes

Death Knight


Starting Zone

Death Knight introduction movie


The Death Knight is a plate-wearing DPS/tank class (albeit one that is unable to use a shield) that uses a brand new resource system based primarily on cooldowns. Rather than the existing Mana/Rage/Energy mechanics, the Death Knight will be able to carve Runes into his/her weapon outside of combat, and then use those runes to power abilities

The Death Knight is the first hero class in World of Warcraft. This is a second and separate character from your original character and can be created as soon as one of the existing characters in your account reaches level 55. After making a Death Knight, you will not lose the access to any of your existing characters. The Death Knight will start at level 55 in Archerus, the Ebon Hold over the Eastern Plaguelands, with multiple spells and abilities ready to use (including a level 30 equivalent skeletal Deathcharger mount). Through the Death Knight-specific quests in this necropolis, the character learns to master the power of the Death Knight and learns to use this new power for their will. Quests will take them outside the necropolis and into an area within the Eastern Plaguelands. They will start with various greens and blues for equipment. Blizzard is currently exploring various options as to how the Death Knight will play and the types of abilities at its disposal, and they will continue to reveal information about this new class as they get further along in development.

Accounts will be limited to one Death Knight per realm, which will still have to follow the existing PvE/PvP server character creation rules.

The death knight uses a unique rune-based resource system to govern his spells and abilities. Three rune types: blood, frost, and unholy, each with an attached color and symbol. Death Knight players will have to carve these runes into their weapons anytime outside combat, so they'll have to choose which sort of runes to emphasize in their spec. As they use their abilities, the runes will be exhausted. After a period of time (10 seconds, for now) the runes will refresh. In addition, whenever the Death Knight uses a rune ability against a foe, it will build up a certain amount of Runic Power. This Runic Power is used by certain abilities, which completely drain all the Runic Power that has been accumulated. The more power stored, the more effective the ability. It is likely that the rune system will cause parallels of Warrior itemization rather than Paladin.

Talent Calculator:



* Brambles (Balance): Now increases the damage done by your Treants, and also damage caused from your Treants and Barkskin has a 5/10/15% chance to Daze the target for 3 sec.
* Celestial Focus (Balance): The stun proc now works with Starfall.
* Entangling Roots: Can now be used indoors.
* Faerie Fire (Feral): Now an 11-point talent, down from being a 21-point talent.
* Feral Charge (Feral) is now a 21-point talent, up from being a 11-point talent.
* Feral Charge (Feral): Can now be used in Cat form.
* Feral Instinct (Feral) no longer increases threat generated in Bear form, but now increases damage done by your Swipe ability by 5/10/15%.
* Focused Starlight (Balance): Now also works with Starfall.
* Force of Nature (Balance): Cooldown reduced to 2 minutes, down from 3.
* Hurricane: No longer has a cooldown (was 1 minute).
* Improved Faerie Fire (Feral): Now also works with spell hit, in addition to ranged and melee hit %.
* Improved Mark of the Wild (Restoration): Now a 2-point talent, down from a 5-point talent.
* Improved Tranquility (Restoration): Now also reduces the cooldown of your Tranquility spell by 25/50%.
* Mangle (Feral): Now increases the damage done by Maul in addition to Shred.
* Moonglow (Balance): Now also works with Starfall.
* Moonkin Form (Balance) no longer increases your attack power or causes you to regenerate mana off melee attacks, but now has a chance to cause you to instantly regenerate 2% of your total mana every time you critically hit with a spell.
* Nature's Focus (Restoration): Now a 3 point talent, down from a 5-point talent. Also moved to Tier 1, up from Tier 2. Now also includes Nourish.
* Nature's Grace (Balance): Now also reduces the global cooldown of your Wrath spell by 50% while in effect.
* Nature's Grasp (Balance): Can now be used and can proc indoors.
* Nature's Reach (Balance): Now also reduces threat generated by Balance spells by 15/30%.
* New Spell: Revive - Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with health and mana. Cannot be cast when in combat. (Ranks 1-7 added)
* Omen of Clarity (Restoration): Now a passive spell. Now also works for spells (healing and damage). Proc rate is roughly 6% with a 10 second internal cooldown.
* Primal Tenacity (Feral) now reduces damage while stunned by 5/10/15%, and reduces the duration of fear effects by 5/10/15%.
* Remove Curse can now be used in Tree of Life form.
* Soothe Animal can now be used on Dragonkin as well as Beasts.
* Soothe Animal is now instant cast.
* Subtlety (Restoration): Now a 3-point talent, down from a 5-point talent. Also moved to Tier 2, up from Tier 3. Also now only reduced threat for Restoration spells, and reduces the chance that your healing over time spells (Lifebloom, Regrowth and Rejuvenation) will be dispelled, rather than all Druid spells. Threat management for Balance can now be found in the Balance tree, within Nature's Reach.
* Survival of the Fittest (Feral): Increased to 2/4/6%, up from 1/2/3%.
* The mana regeneration penalty when in Bear Form, Dire Bear Form and Cat Form has been removed.
* Tranquil Spirit (Restoration) now also includes Nourish.
* Tree of Life (Restoration): 30% snare penalty has been removed.
* Tree of Life (Restoration): Can now cast Dispel Curse.
* Tree of Life (Restoration): You can now cast all Restoration spells (Healing Touch) in the form, but Tree of Life now only reduces the mana cost of your healing over time spells (Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, Regrowth and Flourish) by 20%.
* Vengeance (Balance): Now also works with Starfall.

Dire Bear Form will be receiving a new model to separate it from Bear Form. Dire Cat Form will also be introduced.

Talent Calculator:



* All pet families now have one unique ability. New abilities have been added for families such as bears and sporebats.
* Aspects now no longer cost mana.
* Avoidance, Dash / Dive and Cobra Reflexes are now pet talents instead of pet skills.
* Bite now has no cooldown, does the same damage and costs the same Focus as Claw, so works as a Focus dump.
* Clever Traps (Survival) has been renamed "Trap Mastery."
* Concussive Barrage (Marksmanship) - Can now proc from Volley attacks.
* Deterrence (Survival) - Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, and now also increases your chance to resist spells by 60%. Now has a new spell effect.
* Every hunter pet can learn Growl, Cower and either Bite or Claw (never both).
* Hunter pets can now learn talents in one of three trees depending on family. Pets gain talent points starting at level 20 and earn an extra talent point every 4 levels.
* If a hunter tames a pet that is more than five levels beneath than the hunter's level, then the pet jumps to five levels beneath than the hunter's level.
* Improved Feign Death (Survival): Now also reduces damage taken during Feign Death by 15/30%.
* Loyalty, Training Points and the hunter Beast Training button no longer exist. Hunter pets can now learn all skills at their level. They will get new ranks automatically as they gain levels.
* Master Tactician (Survival) - Chance to proc increased to 10%, up from 6%.
* Monster Slaying (Survival) and Humanoid Slaying (Survival) has been combined into "Improved Tracking".
* New Talent - Improved Tracking (Survival) - Increases all damage done to targets that are being tracked 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Steady Shot now uses ammo. In result, its bonus damage has been slightly reduced. Players can notice a damage increase based upon what ammo they use.
* Surefooted (Survival) now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 10/20/30% (instead of resist % chance).
* Trap Mastery (Survival) has been removed.

Talent Calculator:


Mage (Best Class ;) )

* Arcane Focus (Arcane) is now 3 ranks and increases chance to hit and reduces mana cost of Arcane spells by 1/2/3%.
* Counterspell now costs 9% of base mana.
* Frost Armor, Ice Armor, Mage Armor and Molten Armor are no longer Magic effects and cannot be dispelled.
* Invisibility now makes the caster invisible after 3 seconds, reduced from 5 seconds.
* Magic Attunement (Arcane) now also increases the range of your Arcane spells by 3/6 yards.
* Polymorph now costs 12% of base mana.
* Portal spells now cost 18% of base mana.
* Prismatic Cloak (Arcane) now also reduces the fade time of Invisibility by 1/2 seconds.
* Slow Fall now costs 6% of base mana.
* Teleport spells now cost 9% of base mana.

Mages are getting a Frostfire bolt dealing Frost-Fire damage to make elementalists more viable. [1] The increase from talents for Frostfire bolt will scale higher than Frostbolt and Firebolt.

Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing 722 to 838 Fire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing an additional 90 Fire damage over 9 sec. If the target is more vulnerable to Frost damage, this spell will cause Frost instead of Fire damage.
(450 Mana, 3 sec, 40 yd Range)

Mage Armor is changing to shorten the duration of magical effects afflicting the mage by 50% to encourage it's use.

Mages will see an increase of damage to compete with Warlocks in raiding. This also prevents issues of Mages being less desirable with other other classes receiving new crowd control abilities.

Talent Calculator:



* All Auras now affect all party and raid members within the area of effect.
* Anticipation (Protection) moved to tier 1, now increases chance to dodge by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Avenger's Shield (Protection) cast time reduced to .5 seconds, duration increased to 10 seconds.
* Avenging Wrath no longer causes Forebearance, damage increase reduced to 20%, now increases healing done by 20%.
* Blessing of Freedom renamed Hand of Freedom. Only one Hand spell can be on the target per paladin at any one time. Now costs 6% of base mana.
* Blessing of Light and Greater Blessing of Light removed. Their effects have been folded into all relevant abilities.
* Blessing of Protection renamed Hand of Protection. Only one Hand spell can be on the target per paladin at any one time. All ranks now cost 6% of base mana.
* Blessing of Sacrifice renamed Hand of Sacrifice, is now only 1 rank and transfers 20% of the damage taken to the caster, duration reduced to 12 seconds, cooldown increased to 2 minutes. Only one Hand spell can be on the target per paladin at any one time. Now costs 6% of base mana.
* Blessing of Salvation renamed Hand of Salvation, now reduces total threat on the target by 2% per second for 10 seconds while also reducing all damage and healing done by 10%. Only one Hand spell can be on the target per paladin at any one time. Now costs 6% of base mana.
* Conviction (Retribution) now increases critical chance with all spells and melee attacks.
* Divine Intellect (Holy) moved to tier 2, increases total Intellect by 3/6/9/12/15%.
* Divine Intervention cooldown reduced to 20 minutes.
* Divine Protection and Divine Shield now cost 3% of base mana.
* Divine Purpose (Retribution) now reduces chance to be hit by spells and ranged attacks by 1/2/3%.
* Divine Strength (Holy) moved to tier 1 in the Protection tree.
* Greater Blessing of Salvation removed.
* Hammer of Justice now costs 3% of base mana.
* Hammer of Wrath is now considered a Retribution spell, moved from Holy, mana cost reduced, missile speed increased, now usable on targets below 35% health.
* Healing Light (Holy) moved to tier 2.
* Holy Shield (Protection) cooldown reduced to 8 seconds.
* Holy Shock (Holy) range changed to 20/40 yards when used on enemies/friends respectively, cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.
* Holy Wrath is now instant cast, causes a 3 second stun, cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, radius reduced to 10 yards.
* Illumination (Holy) moved to tier 3.
* Improved Concentration Aura (Protection) moved to the Holy tree.
* Improved Concentration Aura moved from the Protection tree to tier 4 in the Holy tree.
* Improved Devotion Aura (Protection) moved to tier 4, reduced to 3 ranks, now increases armor of Devotion Aura by 17/34/50% and increases all healing done to units affected by Devotion Aura by 1/2/3%.
* Improved Hammer of Justice (Protection) now reduces cooldwon by 10/20/30 secs.
* Improved Righteous Fury (Protection) threat bonus folded into base spell, talent still reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%.
* Improved Sanctity Aura (Retribution) renamed Sanctified Retribution, now causes all units affected by Retribution Aura to cause 2% more damage.
* Improved Seal of Righteousness (Holy) moved to tier 1, renamed XXX, now affects Seal of Righteousness, Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption.
* Improved Seal of the Crusader (Retribution) renamed Heart of the Crusader and the effects now apply to all Judgement spells.
* Judgement of Justice will no longer prevent Fear effects, only prevent NPCs from fleeing (e.g. at low health).
* Lay on Hands no longer drains all mana, cooldown reduced to 20 minutes.
* Pure of Heart (Holy) reduced to 2 ranks, now reduces duration of Curse and Disease effects by 25/50%.
* Redoubt (Protection) moved to tier 2.
* Repentance (Retribution) mana cost changed to 9% of base, duration increased to 1 minute (10 second PvP duration), now usable against Demons, Dragonkin, Giants, Humanoids and Undead.
* Retribution Aura damage increased and now gains damage based on Holy spell power.
* Righteous Fury now increases threat caused by Holy damage by 90%.
* Sanctified Light (Holy) now also increases the critical chance of Holy Shock.
* Sanctity Aura (Retribution) removed.
* Seal of Justice/Judgement reduced to 1 rank with all the effects of the previous rank 2, the Judgement effect no longer prevents Fear.
* Seal of the Crusader has been removed. The effects of Judgement of the Crusader have been folded into all relevant abilities.
* Seal of Vengeance damage over time effect duration increased to 18 seconds.
* Spiritual Focus (Holy) moved to tier 1.
* Stoicism (Protection) moved to tier 2, now reduces duration of Stun effects by 10/20/30% and reduces chance your spells will be resisted by 10/20/30%.
* Toughness (Protection) moved to tier 3.
* Turn Undead (ranks 1 and 2) removed. Turn Evil now granted at level 24, mana cost changed to 9% of base.
* Unyielding Faith (Holy) moved to tier 2.

Talent Calculator:



* Circle of Healing (Holy): Now works on any targets in the caster's raid, and is now a "smart" heal and chooses the lowest health targets to heal first within it's range. Also now has a 6 second cooldown. Also no longer will heal summoned Snakes from Hunter's Snake Trap.
* Enlightenment (Discipline): Now also gives 1% spell damage and 1% heal per point.
* Focused Will (Discipline): Now increases healing effects on you by 3/4/5%, down from 4/7/10%.
* Force of Will (Discipline): This talent now increases your spell damage by a flat amount, rather than increasing your spells by a %. (Now increases school %, rather than selected spells damage %). In other words, your spell damage gained from this talent is now reflected on your character sheet, rather than the skill tool-tips.
* Holy Fire: Cast time reduced to to 2 seconds, down from 3.5. Damage increased roughly 60%. Duration for the damage over time effect reduced to 7 seconds, down from 10. Holy Fire now has a 10 second cooldown.
* Improved Inner Fire (Discipline) - Now also increases the bonus healing on your Inner Fire spell by 10/20/30%.
* Improved Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow) - Now increases damage done by your Shadow Word: Pain by 5/10%, but no longer increases the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain.
* Levitate now costs 3% of base mana.
* Lightwell (Holy): Cast time reduced to .5 sec, down from 1.5 sec. Charges increased to 10, up from 5. Now breaks from any attack that hits you for 30% or more of your total health. Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5.
* Mind Control now has only one rank and costs 12% of base mana.
* Mind Soothe now has only one rank, costs 6% of base mana and has no max target level.
* Mind Vision now costs 3% of base mana.
* New Talent: Improved Spirit Tap (Shadow) - Gives you a 50/100% chance to gain a 50% bonus to your Spirit after gaining a critical effect chance from your Mind Blast or Shadow Word: Death spells. For the duration, your mana will regenreate at a 25% rate while casting. Lasts 8 sec.
* New Talent: Twin Faiths (Discipline) - Increases your damage and healing by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Pain Suppression (Discipline): Cooldown increased to 3 minutes, up from 2.
* Power Infusion (Discipline): Cooldown reduced to 2 minutes, down from 3.
* Psychic Scream now costs 15% of base mana.
* Searing Light (Holy): Now also increases the damage of your Holy Nova and Penance spells.
* Shackle Undead now costs 9% of base mana.
* Shadow Focus (Shadow): Now a 3 point talent, down from 5. Now also reduces the mana cost of your Shadow spells by 2/4/6%.
* Shadow Resilience (Shadow): Now reduces physical damage taken by 2/4%, but no longer reduces the chance to be critically hit by spells.
* Shadowform (Shadow): Now has an innate 30% threat reduction. Now has a shapeshift UI.
* Silent Resolve (Discipline): Now a 3 point talent, down from 5 points.
* Spirit Tap (Shadow) - Talent reduced to 3 points, down from 5. Now also leads into "Improved Spirit Tap"
* Wand Specialization (Discipline) has been removed.

Talent Calculator:



* Blade Twisting (Combat) now cause all damaging melee attacks to have a 10% chance to daze for 4/8 seconds.
* Deadened Nerves (Assassination) now reduces all damage taken by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Fleet Footed (Assassination) now reduces duration of movement impairing effects by 25/50% rather than increasing resist chance.
* Gouge is now only 1 rank and causes damage based on attack power.
* Kick is now only 1 rank and no longer causes damage.
* Nerves of Steel (Combat) now reduces the duration of all Stun and Fear effects by 15/30%.
* Pick Lock and Disarm Trap no longer require Thieve's Tools.
* Premeditation (Subtlety) duration increased to 20 seconds.
* Riposte (Combat) now slows the target's melee attacks by 20% instead of disarming them.
* Setup (Subtlety) chance to gain a combo point increased to 33/66/100%.
* Vanish no longer requires the reagent Flash Powder.
* Vile Poisons (Assassination) reduced to 3 ranks, now increases damage of poisons and Eviscerate by 7/14/20% and increases dispel resistance by 10/20/30%.

Talent Calculator:



* All totems are now considered on the "Physical" school, and no longer magical spells.
* Ancestral Knowledge (Enhancement): Now increases your Intellect by 2/4/6%, instead of increasing your total Mana by 2/4/6/8/10%.
* Call of Flame (Elemental): Now also increases the damage of your Lava Burst spell by 2/4/6%.
* Call of Thunder (Elemental) now also increases the critical strike chance of your Thunder spell.
* Concussion (Elemental) now increases the damage of your Thunder and Lava Burst spells.
* Convection (Elemental) is now a 3-point talent, down from a 5-point talent. Now lowers the mana cost of Thunder and Lava Burst.
* Earth's Grasp (Elemental) is now a tier-1 talent, up from tier-2.
* Elemental Detestation (Elemental) is now a tier-2 talent, up from tier-4.
* Elemental Focus (Restoration): Now also can proc off Lesser Healing Wave and Healing Wave, and can be used on all healing spells.
* Elemental Fury (Elemental) now requires Elemental Focus as a pre-requisite
* Elemental Precision (Elemental): Chance to hit reduced to 1/2/3% from 2/4/6%, but threat reduction increased to 10/20/30% up from 4/7/10%.
* Enhancing (Enhancement) Totems is now a Tier 1 talent, up from Tier-2.
* Flametongue Totem is now a flat spell damage totem. All ranks have been modified.
* Frostbrand's snare effect has been increased to 50%, up from 25%.
* Ghost Wolf's mana cost is now 13% base.
* Grace of Air Totem has been removed. (Agility has been rolled over into Strength of Earth Totem)
* Improved Fire Totems (Elemental) is now (again) Improved Fire Nova Totem. It now has a 50/100% chance to stun all targets for 2 sec.
* Improved Lightning Shield (Enhancement) is now Elemental Shields, and is in Tier-1.
* New ranks have been added of Water Shield, starting at level 20. (Level 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 62, 69)
* New Spell: Earthliving Weapon - Imbue the Shaman's weapon with earthen life. Increases healing done by x and each heal has a 20% chance to proc Earthliving on the target, healing an additionaly over 12 sec. Lasts 30 minutes.
* New Talent: Cleanse Spirit (Restoration) - Cleanse the spirit of a friendly target, removing 1 poison effect, 1 disease effect, and 1 curse effect.
* New Talent: Elemental Shields (Enhancement): Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 5/10/15%, increases the amount of mana gained from your Mana Shield orbs by 5/10/15% and increases the amount of healing done by your Earth Shield orbs by 5/10/15%.
* New Talent: Mental Dexterity (Enhancement) - Increases your Attack Power by 33/66/100% of your Intellect.
* Rockbiter ranks 5 through 9 have been removed. Windfury Weapon is intended to replace Rockbiter at level 30.
* Shapeshifting will no longer cancel Water Walking.
* Shield Specialization (Enhancement) - Now a 2-point talent, and increases the chance to block with attacks by 10/20%, and increases the amount blocked by 5/10%.
* Stoneskin Totem now increases armor instead of reducing physical damage.
* Storm Reach (Elemental): Now also increases the radius of your Thunder spell by 10/20%.
* Strength of Earth Totem now also increases agility.
* Tranquil Air Totem has been removed. (Threat is being addressed by modifications to the base threat of players and/or "baked" into tanking abilities.)
* Unleashed Rage is now raid wide.
* Windfury Totem is now a flat 20% melee haste totem. All ranks have been modified.
* Windwall Totem has been removed.
* Wrath of Air is now a flat 10% spell haste totem.

Talent Calculator:


Continued below.
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The Classes Part 2


* Aftermath (Destruction) - Now a 2-point talent, down from 5.
* All demon abilities and spells will automatically be learned as pets gain levels. Demon Master trainers will be removed.
* Blood Pact now works raid-wide (not just in party).
* Cataclysm (Destruction) - Now also increases your chance to hit with Destruction spells by 1% per point.
* Curse of Recklessness will no longer prevent Fear effects, only prevent NPCs from fleeing (e.g. at low health).
* Dark Pact: Tooltip updated to be more consistent with other similar effects.
* Demon Armor - Now increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%, but no longer has in-combat health regeneration.
* Demon Skin, Demon Armor and Fel Armor are no longer Magic effects and cannot be dispelled.
* Fel Armor - Now increases your spell damage equal to 30% of your total Spirit, but no longer increases healing done by spells and effects by 20%.
* Fel Stamina (Demonology) has been merged with Fel Intellect into Fel Vitality.
* Howl of Terror now costs 15% of base mana.
* Improved Curse of Weakness (Affliction) is now "Frailty" - Increases the amount of attack power reduced by your Curse of Weakness spell by 10/20%, and increases the amount of armor reduced by your Curse of Recklessness by 10/20%.
* Improved Enslave Demon (Demonology) is now a Tier 5 talent, up from Tier 4.
* Improved Lash of Pain (Destruction) and Improved Firebolt (Destruction) have been merged into one talent, Demonic Power.
* Improved Shadow Bolt (Destruction) - Now increases damage by your next Shadow damage spells by 3/6/9/12/15%, down from 4/8/12/16/20%.
* Mana Feed: Tooltip updated to be more consistent with other similar effects.
* Master Demonologist – Felguard (Demonology) - Now increases all damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and reduces all damage done to you by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Master Demonologist – Imp (Demonology) - Now increases Fire damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Fire spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Master Demonologist – Succubus (Demonology) - Now increases Shadow damage by 1/2/3/4/5%, and critical hit chance with Shadow spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Master Demonologist (Demonology) - Most effects have been altered.
* New Talent: Demonic Empowerment (Demonology) - Grants your Summoned Demon power for a short time.
* New Talent: Eradication (Affliction) - Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Curse of Agony ticks have a 5/10/15% chance to increase your spell haste by 20% for 8 sec. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.
* New Talent: Molten Core (Destruction) - Your Shadow spells and damage over time effects have a 5/10/15% chance to increase the damage of your Fire spells by 10% for 6 sec.
* Pyroclasm (Destruction) - Now also includes Conflagrate.
* Shadowfury (Destruction) - Can now be cast while moving. Stun duration increased to 3 seconds, up from 2.
* Soul Link (Demonology) is now an 11-point talent (used to be a 31-point talent), but the 5% bonus damage from this talent has been removed. In addition, the damage absorbed by Soul Link is now 15%, down from 20%.
* Soul Siphon (Affliction): Now also increases the damage of your Drain Soul.
* Suppression (Affliction) is now a 3-point talent, down from 5. Now increases your chance to hit with Affliction spells by 1/2/3%, down from 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Unstable Affliction (Affliction): Silence effect reduced to 3 seconds, down from 5.

Talent Calculator:



* Anticipation (Protection) now increases chance to dodge by 1/2/3/4/5%, moved to tier 2.
* Challenging Shout cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
* Death Wish (Fury) no longer makes you immune to Fear effects.
* Death Wish and Sweeping Strikes have swapped locations in their respective talent trees.
* Defensive Stance now increases threat by 45%.
* Defiance (Protection) removed, replaced by Incite and moved to a new location on tier 2.
* Hamstring now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
* Improved Bloodrage (Protection) now increases rage generation of both the instant and over-time effects by 25/50%.
* Improved Disarm (Protection) now reduces the cooldown of Disarm and Shield Break by 5/10/15 seconds and increases damage taken by disarmed targets by 4/7/10%.
* Improved Shield Block (Protection) now has 2 ranks and reduces cooldown of Shield Block by 5/10 secs. It no longer increases the number of blocks.
* Iron Will (Arms) now has only 3 ranks, reducing the duration of Stun and Charm effects by 10/20/30%.
* Last Stand (Protection) cooldown reduced to 6 minutes.
* Mace Specialization (Arms) can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.
* Mocking Blow now only has one rank and causes weapon damage, cooldown reduced to 1 min and can now be used in Defensive Stance.
* Overpower now only has one rank and no longer causes any bonus damage (i.e. weapon damage only).
* Poleaxe Specialization (Arms) now also increases critical damage done by Axes and Polearms by 1/2/3/4/5%.
* Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
* Shield Bash now only has one rank and will cause damage based on a % of AP.
* Shield Block now increases chance to block and amount blocked by 100% for the next attack. Cooldown increased to 30 seconds.
* Shield Slam is now available to all warriors, starting at level 40.
* Shield Specialization (Protection) moved to Tier 1, now increases rage by 2 on a successful block.
* Sword Specialization (Arms) can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.
* Toughness (Protection) moved to tier 3.

Talent Calculator:




Socket One-Handed Weapon: Permanently adds a socket to a one-handed weapon.


Enchant Cloak - Haste: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase haste rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Wisdom: "Permanently enchant a cloak to reduce threat slightly and increase Spirit by 10. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Mighty Armor: "Permanently enchant a cloak to give 225 additional armor. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Titanweave: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase defense rating by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Spell Piercing: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase spell penetration by 35. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Superior Agility: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Shadow Armor: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase stealth slightly and increase Agility by 10. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Superior Arcane Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Arcane resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Superior Frost Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Frost resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Superior Fire Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Fire resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Superior Nature Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Nature resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Cloak - Superior Shadow Resistance: "Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Shadow resistance by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 275. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Chest - Greater Defense: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase defense rating by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase resilience rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Chest - Greater Mana Restoration: "Permanently enchant chest armor to restore 8 mana every 5 seconds. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Chest - Super Stats: "Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 8. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

Enchant Boots - Tuskar's Vitality: "Permanently enchant boots to give a minor movement speed increase and 15 Stamina. Requires a level 60 or higher level item."
Enchant Boots - Greater Fortitude: "Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 22. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Boots - Greater Vitality: "Permanently enchant boots to restore 6 mana and health every 5 seconds. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Boots - Superior Agility: "Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Boots - Greater Spirit: "Permanently enchant boots to increase Spirit by 18. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Boots - Icewalker: "Permanently enchant boots to increase snare and root resistance by 5% and increase Stamina by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher level item."

Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase attack power by 38. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Greater Stats: :Permanently enchant bracers to increase all stats by 6. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Major Spirit: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase Spirit by 18. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Expertise: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase expertise rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Exceptional Intellect: "Permanently enchant bracers to add +16 intellect. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Major Healing: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase healing by 46 and spell damage by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Greater Spellpower: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase damage and healing from spells by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Bracers - Major Stamina: "Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

Enchant Gloves - Greater Assault: "Permanently enchant gloves to add 32 attack power. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Armsman: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase threat caused by 2% and increase parry rating by 10. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Spellpower: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase your spell damage by up to 28. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Healing: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase healing by up to 44 and spell damage by up to 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Major Agility: "Permanently enchant boots to increase your agility by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Gatherer: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning by 5. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Expertise: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase expertise rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Greater Spell Strike: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase spell hit rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Gloves - Greater Blasting: "Permanently enchant gloves to increase your spell critical rating by up to 16. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

Enchant Shield - Exceptional Stamina: "Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 22. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Shield - Defense: "Permanently enchant a shield to increase defense rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

Enchant Weapon - Lifeward: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to sometimes heal you. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Scourgebane: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase attack power by $44594s1 against Undead. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Spellpower: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase spell damage and healing by up to 55. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Greater Savagery: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase attack power by 90. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Healing: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase healing by up to 101 and spell damage by up to 34. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Agility: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Agility by 26. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Striking: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 10 additional points of damage. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Intellect: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Intellect by 45. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Spirit: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Spirit by 45. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Icebreake: "Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to sometimes inflict Fire damage. Requires a level 60 or higher item."
Enchant Weapon - Giant Slayer: "Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a chance of reducing movement speed and doing additional damage against Giants. Requires a level 60 or higher item."

Enchant Ring - Greater Spellpower: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase spell damage and healing by up to 23. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."
Enchant Ring - Haste: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase haste rating by 20. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."
Enchant Ring - Greater Healing Power: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase healing by up to 44 and spell damage by up to 15. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."
Enchant Ring - Assault: "Permanently enchant a ring to increase attack power by 40. Only the Enchanter's rings can be enchanted, and enchanting a ring will cause it to become soulbound."

Enchanted White Wand: "Creates an enchanted white wand."
Enchanted Crimson Wand: "Creates an enchanted crimson wand."

Exceptional Mana Oil: "While applied to target weapon it restores 19 mana to the caster every 5 seconds. Lasts for 1 hour."
Exceptional Wizard Oil: "While applied to target weapon it increases spell damage by up to 56. Lasts for 1 hour."




Inscription UI


The Glyph Interface was unveiled in the first Beta Build, 8634. It is attached to a player's Spellbook.

All players have access to Glyphs and the Glyph Interface. There is no level requirement to use the Glyph Interface, though individual Glyphs may have level or spell rank requirements. Most Glyphs created through Inscription can be traded or sold, though there may be some Inscriptionist-only Glyphs, similar to the epic Gems that may only be used by Jewelcrafters.

Each player can add up to 6 Glyphs to their interface: 2 Greater Glyphs, 2 Lesser Glyphs, and 2 Minor Glyphs.

* Greater Glyphs provide major upgrades to spells. Examples that have been given are the addition of stuns or DoTs to spells, increased damage, or knockbacks.
* Lesser Glyphs provide upgrades to spells similar to Greater Glyphs, but are not as powerful.
* Minor Glyphs provide small upgrades, or cosmetic improvements. Examples that have been given are the removal of reagent requirements from spells, lowering spell costs, or changing spell graphics.

On the Glyph Interface, the larger circles with gold borders around them are for placement of Greater Glyphs, the large circles with no gold borders are for Lesser Glyphs, and the smaller circles are for Minor Glyphs.

Inscription relies at least on Herbalism, as seen by the first recipe requiring Peacebloom.

Runic Blast: Trace a rune of power, blasting an enemy for $s1 Arcane damage. Consumes a vial of Ivory Ink when used.
Runeword of Minor Magic: Inscribe a runeword of minor magic onto a piece of chest armor to increase spell damage from magical spells and effects by up to 3 for 1 hour.
Demonic Runes (Rank 3): Permanently enchants your Fireball spells to inflict up to 50 additional Fire damage. Spells can only have one inscription.
Bleached Parchment: Reagents: Item #39469, Item #39354
Decipher: Allows the deciphering of tomes, books, and scrolls.
Ebon Ink: Creates Ebon Ink. Reagents: Item #39334
Glyph Mastery: Unlocks an additional glyph.
Ivory Ink: Creates Ivory Ink. Reagents: Peacebloom
Mightnight Ink: Creates Mightnight Ink. Reagents: Item #39334
Milling: Crush 5 herbs to create pomace for making inks. This will destroy the herbs in the process.
Moonglow Ink: Creates Moonglow Ink. Reagents: Item #39151
Mysterious Tarot: Reagents: Item #39354, Item #39469 (2)
Scroll of Intellect: Creates Scroll of Intellect. Reagents: Item #39354, Silver Ink (2)
Scroll of Intellect II: Creates Scroll of Intellect II. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Intellect III: Creates Scroll of Intellect III. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Intellect IV: Creates Scroll of Intellect IV. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Intellect V: Creates Scroll of Intellect V. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Intellect VI: Creates Scroll of Intellect VI. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Intellect VII: Creates Scroll of Intellect VII. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Intellect VIII: Creates Scroll of Intellect VIII. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Silver Ink
Scroll of Spirit: Creates Scroll of Spirit. Reagents: Item #39354, Ivory Ink, Silver Ink
Scroll of Spirit II: Creates Scroll of Spirit II. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Spirit III: Creates Scroll of Spirit III. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Spirit IV: Creates Scroll of Spirit IV. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Spirit V: Creates Scroll of Spirit V. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Spirit VI: Creates Scroll of Spirit VI. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Spirit VII: Creates Scroll of Spirit VII. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Spirit VIII: Creates Scroll of Spirit VIII. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Ivory Ink
Scroll of Stamina: Creates Scroll of Stamina. Reagents: Item #39354, Ivory Ink (2)
Scroll of Stamina II: Creates Scroll of Stamina II. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Scroll of Stamina III: Creates Scroll of Stamina III. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Scroll of Stamina IV: Creates Scroll of Stamina IV. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Scroll of Stamina V: Creates Scroll of Stamina V. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Scroll of Stamina VI: Creates Scroll of Stamina VI. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Scroll of Stamina VII: Creates Scroll of Stamina VII. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Scroll of Stamina VIII: Creates Scroll of Stamina VIII. Reagents: Rough Parchment, Earthen Ink
Silver Ink: Creates Silver Ink. Reagents:Silverleaf
Treated Vellum: Reagents: Item #39774, Item #39354 (5)


Leatherworking drums now give a two minute debuff that does not allow the party members to receive any further drum buffs.
Drums affect all nearby raid members

Leg Armor
Jormungar Leg Armor: Permanently attach jormungar armor onto pants to increase Stamina by 45 and Agility by 15. Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.
Nerubian Leg Armor: Permanently attach nerubian armor onto pants to increase attack power by 60 and critical strike rating by 15. Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.
Jormungar Leg Chitin: Permanently attach clefthide armor onto pants to increase Stamina by 50 and Agility by 18. Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.
Nerubian Leg Chitin: Permanently attach nerubian chitin onto pants to increase attack power by 70 and critical strike rating by 18. Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.
Dragonscale Leg Armor: Permanently attach dragonscale armor onto pants to increase Stamina by 72 and Agility by 35. Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.
Protoscale Leg Armor: Permanently attach protoscale armor onto pants to increase attack power by 100 and critical strike rating by 36. Can only attach to armor in your possession, and attaching causes the item to become soulbound.

Armor Kits
Borean Armor Kit: Permanently increase the Stamina of an item worn on the head, chest, shoulders, legs, hands or feet by 12. Can only be used on armor in your possession, and attaching the armor kit causes the item to become soulbound.
Heavy Borean Armor Kit: Permanently increase the Stamina of an item worn on the head, chest, shoulders, legs, hands or feet by 15. Can only be used on armor in your possession, and attaching the armor kit causes the item to become soulbound.

Drums of Great Battle: Increases movement speed by 15% and haste rating by 95 on nearby party members. Lasts 30 sec. Drums can be used while shapeshifted.
Drums of Major Restoration: Restores 144*5 health and mana to nearby party members over 15 sec. Drums can be used while shapeshifted.
Drums of Dark War: Increases attack power by 75 and spell damage by 44 on nearby party members. Lasts 30 sec. Drums can be used while shapeshifted.
Drums of Precision: Increases hit rating by 95 on nearby party members. Lasts 30 sec. Drums can be used while shapeshifted.


Smelt Froststeel - 3x Azurite Bar + 1x Eternal Water Allows the miner to smelt 3 azurite bars and an eternal water into a froststeel bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Hardened Azurite - 10x Azurite Bar Allows the miner to smelt 10 azurite bars into a hardened azurite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Azurite - Azurite Ore Allows the miner to smelt azurite ore into an azurite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Saronite - 10x Saronite Ore Allows the miner to smelt 10 saronite ore into a saronite bar. Requires a forge.
Smelt Titansteel - 1x Saronite Bar + 1x Titanium Ore Allows the miner to smelt a saronite bar and titanium ore into a titansteel bar. Requires a forge.


Miner's Revenge (Rank 1) - Mining Pick Hurls your pick axe at the target, inflicted 45 to 55 physical damage, ignoring any armor. 30 yard range, 5 minute cooldown.



First Aid

Frostweave Bandage: - 1x Frostweave Cloth; Description: Heals 4760 damage over 8 sec; Requires 350 First Aid to use.
Heavy Frostweave Bandage: - 2x Frostweave Cloth; Description: Heals 5480 damage over 8 sec; Requires 425 First Aid to use.
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Frost Wyrm Flying Mount


Mammoth (Multi-Passenger Mount)


Undercity Horde Zeppelin Tower


Achievement System

The Achievements Window


Upon starting your journey in Wrath of the Lich King, you’ll see a new button on your main action bar. Click that button to bring up the achievements window.

The top of the window displays the total number of points you’ve received for completing achievements. Below, each achievement appears with its name, description, point value, the completion date, and a progress bar (if applicable). Some achievements expand to display a list of individual components, highlighted to show which parts you’ve finished. You can also designate which achievements to track as you play, similar to the existing quest tracker. An important design goal is to provide players with everything they need to know to unlock an achievement.

It’s great to be able to see your own achievements -- but it’s even better to let the world know what you’ve accomplished. By right-clicking other players and selecting the appropriate option, you can compare your achievements to theirs. Every time you earn a new achievement, your accomplishment is announced to your guild and everyone in your immediate vicinity -- and the custom achievement animation and sound effect are unmistakable. Also, your achievements will be viewable on the Armory, allowing you to track and show off your accomplishments via the web.

Feats of Strength
Feats of Strength represent the past glories of Azeroth, and as such, players will find them very difficult -- if not impossible -- to earn. They’re worth no points, and unlike normal achievements, unearned Feats are not displayed in the achievements interface. Feats include old-world player-vs.-player ranks, obtaining rare mounts, special titles, and more. Feats of Strength will be awarded retroactively (that is, they’ll be immediately granted to your character if you qualify) since many of them will be impossible to earn in Wrath of the Lich King.

Types and Categories of Achievements
World of Warcraft’s achievements come in several varieties. Some simply require specific actions to unlock, such as getting a haircut or defeating a member of each race in your opposing faction in PvP. Others involve a progress bar and require you to do something several times -- such as give out 10 hugs. Some achievements are progressive; for example, once you complete an achievement to collect 10 vanity pets, you might next be asked to collect 25. Finally, meta achievements unlock when you complete other achievements -- unlocking all World Exploration achievements (see below) unlocks a World Explorer meta achievement. Some achievements, including those that involve quests, honorable kills, items currently in your possession, skills (including professions), exploration, and reputations, will be applied to your character retroactively.

To help keep track of all the different achievements you can unlock, you’ll find the following categories in the achievements window:

This includes arena, battlegrounds, and world player-vs.-player objectives. A few examples:

* Hot Streak: Win 10 ranked arena matches in a row.
* Alterac Valley All-Star: Capture graveyards, towers, and kill the enemy leader all in one game.
* City Defender: Kill 50 enemy players in your faction’s capital cities.

Dungeons and Raids
Every end boss of every raid and dungeon in the game grants its own achievement. Future achievements in this category may include ones for completing a run without any player deaths, with fewer than the maximum number of players, or within a certain time limit.

Advancing to each tier of mastery in a profession earns you an achievement, and there are specific achievements for secondary skills (with major professions to follow).

Quest-based achievements include completing a certain number of quests and completing specific quest lines. This category contains zone-specific subcategories.

Seasonal events such as the Midsummer Festival, the Lunar Festival, and Hallows’ End have specific achievements of their own.

World Exploration
You’ll earn achievements by exploring each zone in the game -- and get meta-achievements when you fully explore a continent.

This set of achievements includes attaining exalted reputation with each faction in the game.

These achievements tend toward the whimsical, including getting a shave and haircut (a new feature of Wrath of the Lich King), obtaining a certain number of tabards and vanity pets, falling from a great height, and more.

REALTIME lighting and shadowing

New Style

Thanks KNiVES (Post)

Warlock Demon Form



Barbershops will be available in all major cities in WotLK. You will be able to change various character customization features for a fee of (approximately 1s 97c depending on what you are changing). There will be an Achievement linked with it called Shave and a Haircut worth five achievement points.

The currently planned changeable character customization attributes are:

Hair style
Hair color
Facial hair style
Night Elf Tattoo changes
Draenei horn styles (and presumably Taurens as well)
Draenei tendril styles


New Battleground


Will update with more information when available.

Calendar System


Mob health without addon.

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Able to make scrolls... about time too!!! looks good, at least it should clear some of the lvl 60-70 areas so i can level without horde lvl 70 dropping on me head!

Awesome thread.

I will be going back to WoW in a heartbeat when WOTLK comes out, because of the new additions and the inclusion of intimate and far more interesting 10 man raids across the board. I'm not a big fan of 25 man raids, but loved Karazhan and Zul'aman. To hear that every raid in the game will come with both 10 and 25 man raid configuration was the best news to come in a long time. The Deathknight class looks really fun to play too.
Wrath of the Lich King has REALTIME lighting and shadowing



The sun casts shadows on absolutely everything, in complete realtime. Even your character, and any minor foliage.
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