HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

29 Jun 2008
My monitor choices are now between the 24" Hazro and the new HP LP2475w.


So I'm hunting the web for first hand experience on this new HP.

So far this thread has a lot of good info: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1326971&page=9

This german forum (translated to english) has a mini review with some pics, post 6: http://translate.google.com/transla...php?t=513349&page=7&hl=da&ie=UTF8&sl=de&tl=en

Input Lag:

rmbag Hard|Forum said:
Here's how I tested input lag. I connected my PC to the LP2475w and my old Iiyama 19" CRT in clone mode and ran the input lag test from lagom.
I took a series of 20 shots in burst mode with my digital camera with 1/320 shutter speed. Both tests have the LP2475w over DVI and the Iiyama 19" over VGA. Graphicscard is an Asus NVidia 7800GT. From previous input lag tests I know that results are consistent when I switch ports on the graphiccard.

I ran two test with the same parameters.

Test 1: The HP is on average 18,7 ms behind the Iiyama CRT.
Difference in ms per photo taken:
15, 16, 0, 16, 31, 15, 0, 31, 31, 16, 32, 31, 16, 16, 15, 31, 16, 15, 16, 15

Test 2: The HP is on average 21,5 ms behind the Iiyama CRT.
Difference in ms per photo taken:
0, 16, 32, 32, 31, 15, 31, 16, 16, 15, 47, 15, 16, 31, 16, 16

The Monitor does not have a A-TW (advanced true white) polarizer. So a white glow when viewed from an angle is to be expected.
The Hazro's doesn't either.

The monitor is WIDE GAMUT

Paneltype: LPL LM240WU4; a LG. Philips S-IPS panel model that went into production in 2008

More pictures:
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Good move making a thread.

Personally I like the professional looking HP over the Hazro myself but thats somewhat academic.

I'm hopefully going to get one of these at work to replace two of my 19" screens (long overdue really) so I will hopefully be able to get a few pictures and reviews up.

Lastly, will OCUK be selling these does anyone know?
That white 'frosting' effect across the screen when viewed from an angle is pretty terrible. The picture quality on these IPS screens does look good, but the viewing angle issue seems to be just as bad as TN panels (though admittedly it seems to be mostly in dark scenes on the IPS panels).
From what I can tell so far, if you like your movies & games, the Hazro HZ24Wi is a much better monitor (wide gamut is NOT suited for these)
I think the HP is competitor to the Dell more than the Hazro but they are completely different monitors in some ways. While some will dislike the wide gamut for games, it'll be a godsend for some people doing colour work...
Is anyone else mildly concerned that the price is quite high, best I've found is £467 inc VAT, which is more expensive than it's main rivals...I suspect it'll come down a bit with more availability but it's a noteworthy premium over the Dell, so it has to be better to be worth it.
For me it's like 30£ cheaper than the Hazro 24" (I live in Denmark).

The reason I went looking for alternatives to the Hazro are the many faults reported.

Like flickering green lines, green dots, build quality issues and developing dead pixels
From what I can tell so far, if you like your movies & games, the Hazro HZ24Wi is a much better monitor (wide gamut is NOT suited for these)

going from what I've read on forums etc...
I don't think having a monitor with wide gamut makes it unsuitable for games, actually it'll probably be better?, it's just that you won't notice it much in games, and you'll probably need some kind of calibration device to get it looking good BUT I dare say you would be able to get the values for the different colour settings etc off the net from someone who has calibrated the monitor properly!
apart from staring at a black screen (dead pixel buddy) and moving my head around I never noticed any viewing angle issues, with the black screen it turned grey when moving about
this was on the hazro 24wi
That white 'frosting' effect across the screen when viewed from an angle is pretty terrible. The picture quality on these IPS screens does look good, but the viewing angle issue seems to be just as bad as TN panels (though admittedly it seems to be mostly in dark scenes on the IPS panels).

It's nowhere close to TN viewing angles and yes the issue is most predominant in dark scenes
It's nowhere close to TN viewing angles and yes the issue is most predominant in dark scenes

Well i dunno, this looks pretty aweful to me:


Not saying these are bad monitors, seems like every technology has flaws, but coupled with the so-so black levels of IPS this would seriously irritate me when playing dark games/movies in a low light environment.
when are you gonna be looking at the screen from that angle though! I was surprised when I saw that on the hazro I had but the problem is hardly visible when sitting in front of it :)
still, dissapointing how LCD's can't compare to a good CRT though
when are you gonna be looking at the screen from that angle though! I was surprised when I saw that on the hazro I had but the problem is hardly visible when sitting in front of it :)
still, dissapointing how LCD's can't compare to a good CRT though

Same argument for a TN panel can be made though really, they hold up fairly well if you sit still. Fair enough in games you are more likely to be sitting bolt upright in front of the screen, but for me at least when i watch movies i move around a bit. I put my legs up on the desk etc.. and don't tend to look at the screen dead on all the time.

It's not a show stopper or anything, just that it's dissapointing considering the price premium over TN panels. Fully agree about CRT's, seems like monitor technology progresses so slowly compared to every other aspect of computers.
Well, I've politely told IT to go get me one at work, knowing them it'll take a few weeks before I get it but I should have some news then...
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