Samsung SM2433BW

7 Mar 2005
Eating PI
I managed to get hold of a Samsung SM2433BW a few days ago for the bargain price of £200 inc vat :cool:


I've sent a review to badass so that shoud follow shortly but i'm fairly impressed with the performance for the price...

The settings straight out of the box leave a little to be desired with the brightness set to 100% and the contrast to about 90% it almost burned a hole straight through my retinas and the colour balance was tilting heavily towards the blue scale... However the bundled software is pretty good and only took me approximately 20 minutes to adjust to the settings that im happy with.

Here's a few pics:




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"£200 :eek:" I've just ordered one for £256.11 Inc VAT :mad:
But im glad you like it as I bought it on a whim with out seeing it in action.

Where did you get it from as I still have time to cancel my order :D
What system, do you have? None of the Samsung software seems compatible with my card (4870 x2)

Umm, well a system waiting for some RMA's to be honest...

Currently it's:

Gigabyte EP45-DS3
4gb Ballistix
Evga 7900GT Ko 256mb
But i've just RMA'd my dead 9800GX2, so hopefully I will get a nice shiny new GTX 280 in its place as there's no stock about and it's EOL
Ok, clearly I'm daft, but I have the hardest time attaching the rounded base to the bottom of the screen. It looks like it'll only go in by using force. Did yours go in easily Monstermunch?
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Hmm, something strange is going on. I'm following the instructions as I should and cannot for the life of me get the round base stand attached to the bottom of the screen. The hole on the bottom of the screen is padded with rubber and seems just to small to get the stand in.
Upon googling, it seems almost everyone struggles to attach the base to the monitor.
Go Samsung you idiots

Edit: Litteraly every singel review or opinion I've read comments on how hard it is to attach the base to the monitor without breaking it. Some even resorted to using Vaseline.
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Vaseline did the trick and also placed a complaint with Samsung. The delightful Scottish lady I spoke to said she had over 10 complaints so far this week regarding this monitor and it's 22" counterpart. It's such a stupid design it almost leaves one breathless. Only for this reason I'd recomend buying something else.
Got mine today, Great Monitor apart from trying to put the base on backwards... doh. (Tip) the white triangle on the base should face towards the front of the screen.
Apart from that very happy with it. :D p.s COD5 is great at 1900 x 1200 !

What brightness / contrast settings did you go for?
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Right, think I'm gonna get this now, I like samsung, want a 24" and black gloss finish. OC list it as.... Samsung SM-2433BW Cream 24" Widescreen LCD Monitor - Glossy Black.

Why they call it Cream, whats that about, can't find it on Samsung site either to find out why?
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