Incredible bike crash pics from Snetterton

4 Feb 2004
One of the lads on an Aprilia RSV owners forums I frequent posted these today. They are of his son's crash on his ZX-9R on a trackday at Snetterton. If you look at the first image you can see the ZX-9R with both wheels completely off the ground.

It's very rare for a photographer to be in the right place at the right time to capture images such as these, so I thought I would share 'em with you here :-









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Both riders were ok apart from the usual bumps and sprains, along with a fair bit of dented pride. :p

The father of the ZX-9R rider came around on the next lap on his RSV to see red flags out and when he spotted his son's green ZX-9R lying in a pile of bits, his heart ended up in his mouth.
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Bet the guy on the white bike got a bit of a scare! Just turning in and WTF crashed into from behind!

Then to top it off your bike goes up in flames :eek:

Edit: Can see the petrol mist i think on photos 6 and 7 just below then above the front wheel.
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yeah theres a red cloud under the bike on those pics

but the bike didnt go anywhere near anything red, so im suspecting thats the petrol. It wasnt there moments earlier either, on pic 5.

Were both riders ok ?

Suprised it flamed up so easily.. possibly a fuel leak that splashed onto the back tyre causing him to crash?? then sparks lighted it up..
Damn! thats some major error by the Green kwaka lol!

Not heard of gixers catching fire before lol, but it is olderish so possibly ruptured fuel line.
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Great pics for all the wrong reasons of course.

It just shows you the amount of different positions your body gets into during a crash.
I'm going with the poor quality or old fuel lines/ connectors, bikes these days are designed not spill or chatch fire when dropped.
looks like greenie over cooked it plowing into gsxr,
dosnt look to bad from a rider point of veiw never of them were collected by the bikes, plus was low speed, mostlikely injurys is gsxr guy has sprained/ twisted ankle, and wrists. the green dude just a bir of a bruising from hit the road.

could have been a lot worse at a faster corner.
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