Thanks to everyone who looked at my last worklog. I was very happy with how it turned out but there were a few nitpicky issues I had with it:
(1) cable management space was a bit limited and the result was a more cluttered build than I would have liked.
(2) no dedicated HDD racks, only room for two HDD in the 5.25 bays.
(3) only room for one double rad, so no chance of adding gpus into the loop in the future.
Been looking at lots of different cases as I wanted to mod a 'future-proof' case that I could use for the forseeable future, and as I won't have time to do new projects in the next year or two. This is probably going to be my last major build for a while

I will need at least two triple rads for this build, though I'm pretty sure I can get a quad rad in there. It's only a mid-tower, so it's gonna take some planning and a whooole lot of dremelling

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