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First Nvidia GPU Ever used

2 Jun 2006
London / Essex Border
I was searching thru some old kit of mine, and i came across my First Ever Nvidia GPU. Was way back in 2001.

Just got me wondering if there are any older ones old there.

After i upgraded to a later one, I used this one in my Work PC upto 2007...


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Geforce 256 ddr in late 99\early 2000, its scary looking back and seeing that the heatsinks were tiny on those cards, almost an afterthought. Compared to the literal building of cooling attached to them now. If Coolers get any larger planning permission is gonna be needed before it can go into your case.
My first PC had an on board Cirrus Logic 4Mb GFX chip that then had an Addon card of a 3DFx VooDoo 2 8Mb[url] this was back in 1997 CPU was a 486sx2 50Mhz and was upgraded to a DX4 100Mhz about 6 months later!!

Next came the Mighty [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voodoo_3]3DFx VooDoo 3 3000
with a whopping 12MB RAM and this Spanked the Arse off of anything Nvidia were banging out back in the day (The Riva TNT)

This was replaced by a Geforce 2 MX 400 32Mb and then by a Geforce 3 Ti 64Mb, Several different Geforce 4's and a 7600GT later and now Ive got a Radion 5770 :)

Yes I'm old enough to remember when there were more than just two big players in the GFX card market, I was 7 when there was a computer first in our house!! (1986) Well I say computer is was a dumb terminal with a 14.4kbs modem in it :D
Ah the good ole days. Voodoo cards and daughter boards.
My first memories were typing in programs on a ZX81 from a magazine. Taught me loads about programming and debugging fixing all the errors.
Bit later working for a games company I remember Oxygene cards for the 3d modellers, boy were they long (and expensive).
3 DFx VooDoo 2, then VooDoo 3 3000 followed by many many many Nvidias. I was one of the original old school fanbois! :o.

Then saw the light and went B4B with ATI since the 4870 1GB toxic, 5870, and now 6950>70 xfire.

Skipping next gen because I could afford to xfire this round, so who knows if B4B gets me team green or sticking with the red team.

Ah the good ole days. Voodoo cards and daughter boards.
My first memories were typing in programs on a ZX81 from a magazine.

Good to know I'm not the only 'Auld Codger' around here.

ZX81, Dragon 32, Amstrad 6128 with colour monitor that was turned into a TV with the tuner addon! Just realised that must have been my very first mod!;)

God I'm getting old!:D
Can't remember first Nvidia chip, might have been a geforce 2 mx440

I remember having the first 3dfx voodoo card and being blown away by it. Then the voodoo2 and voodoo3.

Before that was the Orchid Righteous 3d which was a seperate card to the 2d card installed and was joined via the VGA connectors on the backplates :p
My first Nvidia card was the GeForce2 GTS. Before that I'd had only 3dfx cards (starting with the Orchid Righteous voodoo1, which was an utter beast!). The first ATI card I had was a 9800pro.
Looks like a Geforce 4 Ti4400, legendary card for its time. I have a Ti4200 here still doing duty as a test GPU for AGP systems.
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