Just wondering if anyone has any experience with regards to the following:
Letter came this morning to my parents address, with my name on it.
- The date and time given for the speeding offence makes sense and I was driving the car at the time.
- It's my parents car which I was driving, so that also makes sense as to why it would be sent their address, but why would it have my name on it to begin with?
The car is in my dads name, with my mum and myself also on the insurance. I was under the impression that the letter would addressed to the registered owner of the vehicle.
Letter came this morning to my parents address, with my name on it.
- The date and time given for the speeding offence makes sense and I was driving the car at the time.
- It's my parents car which I was driving, so that also makes sense as to why it would be sent their address, but why would it have my name on it to begin with?
The car is in my dads name, with my mum and myself also on the insurance. I was under the impression that the letter would addressed to the registered owner of the vehicle.