
  1. adexolu

    Accident - Write Off

    I was involved in a car accident about 5days ago. There was damage to both cars, but no one was injured. The other driver stopped and we exchanged phone numbers, address and insurance details. There was also an eye witness who also provided their details. The accident might have been my fault...
  2. junaid7

    Pulled over by unmarked car

    Foolishly I decided to speed on my way home after finishing work late about 1:30am. I noticed a car coming behind me fairly quick so decided to do the same and eventually the blues came on it was an unmarked car with officers in black uniform. Once pulled over the officer asked what I was doing...
  3. Bbigg59

    Speeding offence cancelled.

    So today I noticed that I missed my speed awareness course deadline by 3days!! So I rang the police ticketing office at least 40 times to get no answer!! Finally rang 101 (non emergency number) and explained my situation and asked if a extension would be possible as I’m only 3 days out, anyway...
  4. Rebecca Foster

    Can Police Cars Give A Speeding Ticket?

    Hi all, I was driving the other day, I was doing (not proud to say) 30 in a 20, on the other side of the road stuck in traffic was a police car. As I drove past it and looked in rear mirror, it suddenly turned it blue lights on, but it didn't turn in the road to follow me, I didn't see them...
  5. Quartz

    In the case of pile-ups with many cars, how do insurers & police sort out the claims?

    Imagine there's been a huge pile-up - 20+ vehicles, say - on a dual carriageway or motorway. How do the insurers sort everything out? How about the police?
  6. Charlotteeeee

    Help for masters student

    Hello, I am currently studying Forensic Psychology at Coventry University. I am recruiting participants for my research project on public opinion on crime. I am writing the ask for individuals to take a moment of your time to complete a questionnaire on your personal thoughts on crime. The...
  7. IronWarrior

    South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

    https://twitter.com/syptweet/status/1038891067381350401 So saw this today. This isn't the first time a Police Force has posted this message of the same sort. Little by little, this is just Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell and movies like Equilibrium, it's all baby steps. It get to the...
  8. AHarvey

    Academic strip searched = police complaint and PTSD

    https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/aug/29/academic-konstancja-duff-passive-resistance-before-met-strip-search Just wondering what people's opinions are on this story. She interfered with a stop and search being conducted by the police, one where they actually found a 6-inch knife in his...
  9. IronWarrior

    The American Police

    The full video is unedited and you do see people get shot, you have been warned, the shooting happens after 1:29 if you want to skip ahead. Maybe some of you saw the news, but if not, then this video which happened recently is being talked about a lot. I personally think it sums up the...
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