*** Desk and Room Gallery***

4 Jul 2011
Swapped my double stack monitors out for a Samsung G9 OLED, i've had it since launch and love it
Did you put any rubber matting under the worktop to stop it slipping at all? We're looking at changing up our office at home and want one wall turning into two desks. Just worried going this way about it may be hazardous to our 19 month old that always finds a way to destroy things :cry:
16 Sep 2006
Cornwall then Norfolk now
Did you put any rubber matting under the worktop to stop it slipping at all? We're looking at changing up our office at home and want one wall turning into two desks. Just worried going this way about it may be hazardous to our 19 month old that always finds a way to destroy things :cry:
I didn't, but as i'm using kitchen worktop it's a lot heavier than the Ikea tops. It doesn't move at all, the only bit that moves very slightly is the pc case section, I had the worktop cut because i didn't intend to have a 3meter desk at the time but when I got the 210cm bit, I thought it was too small so decided to use both worktop bits. I do plan on buying one 3 meter uncut worktop so i don't have a join where my headphones is.

Some people use those small nail size rubber pads to place the worktop on, helps stop movement. You could get a couple flat plates and from the back of the draw to the worktop, drill them together.
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23 Aug 2010
I have a similar setup (IKEA drawers and a solid oak 2m kitchen worktop). The little rubber pads referenced above have worked a treat for stopping movement. I got a cheap set from the river named online store and they've done me well. Recommended to avoid any drilling
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