Effects of losing pins from socket?

21 Sep 2010
Hi all,

I've had a bit of misfortune with a motherboard, and the result is that two of the pins have lost their tips and are beyond my repair skills. I've been looking on the 1155 pinout diagram, and they both appear to be VCC pins (see picture below, bottom right hand side of the centre island (the socket on the right isn't my actual socket))


The motherboard appears to be working. What are the chances that I've got away with it without any major issues in use?

Thanks in advance.
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In reality it means that the circuits that those 2 pins complete (The VCC bit being the positive end) will not operate. It will definitely have an impact, either disabling some of the chips functions or leading to less stability. It's surrounded by what looks like PCIExpress pins.. so maybe you should test your PCI-E slots?
Without a detailed circuit diagram of what connects to what you just won't know :/

All you can do is test.
You'll probably find that the Vcc connection will be common on both the MB and the CPU die so probably won't have any effect at all other the CPU being able to draw a slight fraction less of a current than it could before.
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