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i7-8700 to a i9-9900ks worth it?

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

I'm a few generations behind hardware-wise I know but system working well for my gaming needs but contemplating going from i7-8700 to a i9-9900ks.
I have a B360M BAZOOKA motherboard which I believe is socket 1151 (B360 chipset). From what I understand the 9900K is the fastest CPU I can go to with the 's' version being unlocked. Pre-owned price on the upgraded CPU seems to be around £290ish.

A few stats on the 2 cpus:

8700 - 6 Cores, 12 Threads @3.2GHz,
9900K - 8 Cores, 16 Threads @4.00 GHz,

I have 32gb ram and a 3060 RTX. I don't game at a high res as I only have a smallish screen - 23".

Do you think this would give a noticeable upgrade? I don't want to replace the whole system just yet.

Thank you
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3 Dec 2004
a bit pointless as the 9900k will be power throttled because the VRMs on the B360 bazooka isn't great
the B360 boards also do not allow overclocking even if the VRMs of the board was good

tl;dr, don't bother

Just re-reading through thread and are you definitely sure this is the case?
I'm looking at CPU-Z now and multiplier auto jumping up and down etc. I thought overclocking was a pretty standard feature nowadays?

edit: you're right , there is no CPU OC on these B360's. The max multiplier it seems to go to (on this 8700) is x46. It looks like it's underclocking and then auto jumping (boost) back up when needed.
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3 Dec 2004
If you can pick one up dirt cheap yes, I'm a believer of adding fresh life to old platforms and a 9900k isn't a slouch even by today's standards

Thanks darket, yeah i'm not ruling it out completely and have some active bookmark/flags for anything listed. And i like the idea of upgrading 1 part rather then the faff of a mobo/cpu/ram (and realise it's probably people like me who are keeping the demand/prices high on the older tech :D).

If it was a £100 upgrade I wouldn't think twice about it, it's just my original estimate of £290 for the 9900ks is on the low side and it would likely be around £350 which is quite a lot :)

If worst comes to it though system is running fine really for the stuff I use it for - just that upgrade itch is hard to quash sometimes :)
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