Interior Shutters



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Anyone have these? Thinking of getting them in our bay windows and wanted to know people's experiences with them. They aren't cheap, but I think they look really good, better than Vincent Blinds which is our other option.

Something similar to this, but with a slightly slimmer frame.

I've seen a few examples.
The dark version is awful, the white looks nice as does the pale yellow.

If you have a room that is overwhelmed by the sun then they work well, they are not going to do a thing to keep heat in though.

If you ever open a window then they are going to get dusty and they are a faff to clean properly (i.e. don't bother with those daft two spronged brushes).

The installation is what lets these down, they build a second frame inside the sill area and fit them to that, this looks a bit tatty and leaves a dead fly trap behind the new frame.
You can just about make it out in that picture.

Actually a simple blind does a better job, or Roman blinds for something a bit nicer, being as the sun comes down at an angle you can shade the top part of the window but still see out.

If you have a room that really does get too hot and opening a window is a problem, then they are a nice idea, otherwise they have a lot of negatives.
Personally I have never liked these but I can understand this option in a room that gets a lot of light and has large windows.

We have friends that installed these in their terrace house, the main living area is north facing and it has made it feel very dingy, more from the thickness of the frames as much as anything else.

Your money at the end of the day but not for me!
I literally ordered some white shutters from Hilary's blinds yesterday. Always liked them and they will go perfect with our Victorian terrace.

They look much better than blinds and in my opinion give any room a wow factor
We have them as well, covering sash windows. They're only half height to stop people from the street being able to see in and do the job perfectly.
I literally ordered some white shutters from Hilary's blinds yesterday. Always liked them and they will go perfect with our Victorian terrace.

They look much better than blinds and in my opinion give any room a wow factor

How did you find the prices from Hilary's? We have them booked in next weekend.
I work from home and my office has a bay window which gets direct sun most of the working day. I went for opaque vertical blinds from hilllarys. They block out most of the sunlight and are not dust traps like those shutters. Must have been 10 years ago we got it done so even if I could remember the cost it would be irrelevant to now.

Edit: Hillarys run promotions 3 or 4 times a year with usually 25% off. It cuts their prices from 'ouch' to just expensive. It is good quality stuff though.
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With regards to Hilary's from the quality of my parents blinds I would stay well away.

We saw some shutters in John Lewis and was very impressed with the quality. Price was on a little high side though.

Have you a local independent blind spot you can give business to?
We had these installed a few months ago and they're great. I can highly recommend the company we used as they were cheaper than Hilary's and did an excellent job. They're London based, let me know if that suits and I'll give you the details if you like?
Hmm, looking at their website I'm not sure they do but it's worth giving them a buzz to check.

They are on checkatrade also I think, might be worth looking at as even if you don't go with them you might find a local company you can check reviews against.
We had these fitted in March time from Just Shutters. Great product with hidden slide to close the shutters. Good quality.

Unlikely you'd be able to take them to your next house though, but then that's similar to blinds and curtains these days as no two windows are the same
Any chance of a pic of the half height ones? I have windows almost to the floor and this may be a solution for me but I cant get my head round how they will look
We have these - got them about 4 months ago. The Mrs wanted them for a while and we got several quotes. In the end went with a firm called Sanderson. They are in my opinion far ahead of the Hilarys stuff. Ours are UPVC and have a long guarantee. Really well engineered compared to the chinese stuff that most of the others bring in. They were fitted very well by their installer.
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