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Just purchased 1080gtx, better than 980ti sli?

2 Dec 2007
Huddersfield, UK
Just purchased an Zotac GeForce GTX 1080 AMP Extreme from ocuk as getting sick of some of the newer stuff having sli problems! Do you guys think this single card will be faster than my previous 2x msi 6g 980ti's in sli? thanks.
Can be a myriad of potential problems - whether microstutter or you might get good average results but some areas slowdown significantly or even like ME2 where SLI worked but in some of the places where you really wanted the performance the most SLI would automatically drop out due to a post processing effect that didn't work with SLI.

Sometimes it works really well - I was quite happy with my GTX470 SLI setup overall but not really missing SLI that much at the moment - though good chance I will stick another 1070 in when the price drops to something more sane for what they are.

Yeah deffo, in certain games like witcher 3 and GTA V where SLI works great its brill, but in pretty much most of the others the micro stuttering, lack of sli support, bad sli scaling is just really annoying! switching to a powerful single card has solved every single problem i had before when having 2 980 ti's in sli.
Good job looking through absolutely 0 benchmarks :D

good job making a pointless post...do u feel better now? Maybe I wanted to ya know get some views of forumers with similar card setups rather than read through paid reviews? christ by that logic whats the point of discussion forums at all? we may aswell just read stuff on news sites. :rolleyes:
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Well surely if you knew how fast the card was then you wouldn't have to ask here, hence Lokken86's question.

Even if you looked at even 1 benchmark comparing 980ti sli to a single 1080 you'd see that they were faster and we wouldn't have yet another pointless thread.

So i still wouldn't be allowed to ask other user's views? with different drivers etc to the benchmarks? different games etc? like i said whats point of a discussion forum? with your previous answers like "don't put your hand in your pc" maybe you shouldn't post at all? :D
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I don't think it's an odd side grade as mentioned as he already said he wants to do away with the issues SLI causes for him with whatever games he plays, That may simply be the lack of support for specific games but it's a perfectly reasonable move for those reasons especially once he sells the 2 980ti's as that reduces the outlay. At the end of the day he'll have a card that can run any game at acceptable levels upto 1440p/1600p with no mgpu issues and once he's sold the Ti's depending on the card he bought it could have cost as little as £100 extra.

That's probably it, In some of the games he plays it does not work and if he has specific games he uses regular it will be a big deal for him.

This! finally someone with a brain :D
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