Provisional Licence - Without Passport

29 Jul 2011
Near Northants / MK
Not often I dip into this forum but sort of need to now :/

After sending my uncle round 3 different post offices in chase of a provisional licence form. Now the problem is when greeted with this:

It's saying I need something else along with my birth certificate but I have none of the others, now in the book:

It says I can use my NI letter from DWP. I sort of just want to make sure this will do it, I don't have to tick anything to say I've enclosed it etc. Don't want it to rebound as I could sort of do with sending it off so I can go out on my birthday :)

Also another thing, will a copy of the birth certificate do, or would it need to be the full thing? If I can't get anything concrete I'll get ring DVLA tomorrow.

Thanks :) I'm probably being too cautious but don't want it to be sent back :/
Odd, I simply applied online for mine. That was close to a decade ago, surely that service is still available?

Also protip: Never send anything via royal mail that you can't afford to lose permanently.
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You now need a copy of your full birth certificate for pretty much anything - even stuff that says you can use the short version under certain conditions will usually reject it now and ask for the full one - pretty easy to get the full one from the gro web site.
A few years ago i ended up getting a passport, not because i wanted to go abroad but because it was the easiest way to prove my identity for various other things. A lot less hassle in the long run to just have an up to date passport :(
I'm in a weird situation relating to my photo license, rather than start a new thread i'll ask here.

I need to renew my photo license but i've also recently moved down south so i also need to change my address too. I haven't got a passport yet, nor do i have any letter that has my NI with my new address to prove my ID, how can i renew my license, i don't fancy a fine, but DVLA aren't making life easy for me.
+1 for Passport

Not that it will help if you are looking to get out next week, but for everything in the future.

I'd say go with your Birth Certificate and a P45, P60 or Payslip.
While we are on the subject of driving licences...

What is needed to renew a driving licence that's run out (old age)

I take it you don't need to take tests or anything?
Just went through all the online thing, and in the end all they're going to do is send the form. And when I have a form already it tells me to save time and do it online. Like wtf? First encounter with the DVLA and I already think they're useless -_-
I had no problem with NI card as far as I remember. I certainly didn't have a passport at the time.

I'm surprised that a students union card can be accepted. Mine literally just says my name, photo and student ID number. Not even my full name or age...
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