Spotify: Is it possible to import FLAC files as local musc ?

27 Oct 2005

As per title, is it possible to import .flac, .wma, and .ogg files into the ''local files'' library into spotify?

I really want to move to spotify entirely for music, but it doesn't play all my music atm as I have some .flac and .ogg and .wma (from the times I still ripped my cd's into loseless WMA's with wmp...) music :(.

Why do I want to move to spotify entirely you ask? Well it combines my local music and pretty much everything else at the press of a button, and it makes syncing my music on my telephone with my pc extremely easy ( I also use spotify on my phone and love the ''offline playlist'' feature on my phone), love that I can sync music even not on spotify on my phone and spotify does all the recoding, transferring etc... And I got used to the interface.
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