*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

13 May 2010
building your own home gym aint easy, ive had to save up a lot of money, time and time again.

next on my list is horse stall mats, just under £30 a pop excluding shipping, minimum order of 4, and shipping is expensive due to the weight involved.

on top of that if you do by second hand equipment, its likely it will need touched up or repainted. just found out i should have ordered a gloss coat to go on top of my primer and paint, roughly £7 a can for 1 of them, you need primer, paint and top coat and usually more than 1, it can all add up.

then you have the same problem as you do in your hardcore gym, heating. mine is in my garage, no double glazing and no insulation and a huge garage door which isnt exactly airtight. so its freezing and it doesnt matter if you put a bonfire in there, without it being properly insulated, all the heat will be lost. so its okay for around 9 months of the year, but during winter it gets extremely tough and sometimes unbearable.

if you have a decent income and can save a few hundred a month then a home gym is an option to consider, if you dont then its best just to stick to a gym, people think they save money with home gym's it's not until you have used the stuff for 5-10 years til you breakeven.

To be fair I have the cash to do it all so not a problem, but it's space for it all thats the problem lol. I'd love to open my own gym but it's premises thats the problem v expensive...

I hate the cold gym, because I like to train with my top either off or just in vest so I can see how I look as daft as it may sound. And a freezing cold gym with nothing but a space heater which im getting high on all the fumes as no ventilation almost passing out lmfao.



15 Oct 2007
Has anyone used Marvel before - got talking to someone who had been in prison for a while last night during a party, and i asked the question how in mates maintain body composition with the lack of protein.
I was informed everyone used Marvel, they drink it several times a day and it’s mixed with water. He reckoned it’s high in protein and cheap. This can be purchased from any supermarket.

I am thinking the quality of the protein must be of low quality; however this might be a cheap alternative to the likes of thistle milk

Anyone used this before or have any knowledge?
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Has anyone used Marvel before - got talking to someone who had been in prison for a while last night during a party, and i asked the question how in mates maintain body composition with the lack of protein.
I was informed everyone used Marvel, they drink it several times a day and it’s mixed with water. He reckoned it’s high in protein and cheap. This can be purchased from any supermarket.

I am thinking the quality of the protein must be of low quality; however this might be a cheap alternative to the likes of thistle milk

Anyone used this before or have any knowledge?

Its just skimmed milk powder isnt it? from what I've read they only use it as the whey they can get inside is very expensive
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Last A day of 10x2 yesterday went really well.

Squat 147.5x10x1, 150x10x1 both sets really fast. Wish I had taken it higher, possibly could have had 160kg
SLDL 152.5kgx10x2
Inc DB bench ????? lol I've just noticed I completely forgot to do these. Should have been 45kgx10. I'll just do them next session
Pullup 10kgx10x2
Dips 32.5kgx10x2 could have gone higher really
HC2PP 62.5kgx10x2 hard, but mostly from a cardio point of view
Calf stuff - didn't do, did some plyo jumping work instead

Gutted about the db bench! My phone was playing up and I keep my weights on there which made things interesting. Oh well, was still a good session. I'm well on track for a squat PB if things keep going as they are. Adding 60kg in less than a year would be awesome.
25 Sep 2006
Anyone seen the new Tim Ferriss book The 4-Hour Body?

My bro has it on his kindle and it looks pretty good.

My friend was telling me about this.

Though to clarify for anyone who's not heard of it, it's not a 4 hour workout or anything like that. Just one mans attempt to significantly decrease his bodyfat in 2 weeks? Though I might not be entirely correct.
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