The Cheezus Thread - A Startup Journey

11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Yea, adsense is learning at the moment - The test is running until tomorrow and then I can change it. I don't like them as they are as well.
This shouldn't be a thing anymore. I have / should have completely sorted that.

Been strategizing as well this week. Looking at what exists, what I want to exist, and then am going to look at how they should/ will all work together.


My tiktok has been steadily growing since I started it about 6 weeks ago and consistently pushing pretty much one a day, sometimes more, a couple of times had the weekend off. But I'm at about 880 at the moment, when I hit 1k I can promote a link in my bio so will see if that helps with any conversions from that channel.

April had 157 new users, which is nice. Best of the year so far and will see where May stands up in comparison. So far I'm at 69 for the month.

Will be working on a few things based on the above soon to bring things together a bit more, too.
16 Nov 2002
The Moon
If you need any help with the social media ads side of things I do paid media for a living so happy to give advice or help you out where possible.
Last edited:
31 Aug 2021
Just had a look at the website on phone, and there was the same 5 ads for weight loss when scrolling down the landing page.
Cheese and weight loss don’t really go hand in hand.
Complete put off tbh.
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
We getting an update here Ross or has it been replaced by other ventures at the front of your mind!
Far from it in fact. I've just been away on holiday for a while.
I have an issue with Android where I NEED to upload a new version of the app for it to work on the latest android. I wanted to redo the app anyway, so figured why not just do that... but that's a much harder and longer route, but better long run, so here we are.

I set about redesigning the whole app.

But putting my product hat on for once, I really looked into a number of things and got a lot of feedback from places like reddit, instagram, twitter and tiktok for shaping the future look and features.

Bottom line?

People want to be able to track cheeses they've eaten, make notes, be recommended stuff like it and find info on cheeses... that's what I'm going for.

With that, I'm making the whole machine learning side of things more hidden... people expect it to be perfect, but it's not and it's a mission to get people to understand this. So, I have changed the whole way it works.

Making it so people can choose to try and identify the cheese, but they also can simply take a pic of the cheese they have, and add the name of it (or search our Db for the name etc).

I also am monetizing the app, too. There will be a scrolling carousel on the top of the homepage with opportunities for people to use it for cheese companies/ sub box companies, whatever it is to do with cheese. All list fed from the back to allow targeting of audience for location etc.

There is an events section on the bottom too, list fed, similar concept as above.

Will look at the models for this and ways companies can utilise it best, i.e. top up $10 in there account for example and only pay CPC for their stuff etc. I have also looked at ways that producers of things like pairings can promote their item to the top of the pairing options for cheeses etc. which should be pretty simple to implement.

Here are some of the major changes to the app from a design point of view mind...

You can see all the XD designs there.

I have added a complete new flow for adding a cheese.

Added better search

Better My cheeses section

More filtering

Personalized recommendations

Better profile with badges (this will come slightly after as I need to work out the best way to load them on the back and display them, which will be a badges list where I can set the image of the badge and the criteria of the badge, but need to work out a good way to do it)

Profile with cheese data - what you mostly eat etc.

Generally redone the entire thing...

Now I'm pretty happy with how it looks and it's functions, I'm going back to try and find out how long it'll take to get this bitch knocked out and live again.

I've met 3 different cheese people who have huge audiences on cheese, who want to work with me, so I'm trying to time it all right to make it as effective as possible.

Next up is breaking all this down into work to be done and a real SOW so I can hop on upwork and get someone to smash it out asap.

So it really hasn't dried up at all haha I've been working a lot on it in the background, just haven't been posting about it!
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