Dogs and Smelly Houses

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
If you keep the dog clean and make sure the dog's bed is regularly cleaned then the smell is minimal and certainly one I am happy to accept for what I get in return from the dog.

Whenever I smell dog in someones house I just think 'ah, they have a dog' and don't think anymore about it, you just accept that dogs smell of dog. If there is dog business all over the place then of course it's a different matter.

The size of the dog matters, too. We had a cairn terrier. No effect on the smell of the house. Next door had a big lab and a big German shepherd. You could smell them in the house. Not a nasty smell though - both dogs liked to bathe.

The smell associated with dogs that always gets me though is that of tinned dog food; that sickly sweet meaty smell.

That brings back memories. Damn, that stuff stinks. The dogs loved it, though.
20 Apr 2004
You can tell when people have dogs as you can smell it as soon as you enter the house. If you live in it then you won't notice it unless you're away for a while because like any smell you get used to it after a short while. The strange thing is that the smell can stay around for years after the dogs have gone. Similar things with cats but it's less noticeable, especially if your cats are outdoor cats.

It's the same deal as smokers, any non-smoker can notice if someone has been smoking or if a house/car is owned by a smoker.

This is very true having moved back home after a year away working (the house has two dogs and my two cats) lucky for me I made it clear when I was away I did'nt want any of them in my old room so my room don't smell.
18 Oct 2002
Ayrshire, Scotland
We've got two Beagles, and they do have that subtle but distinctive "houndy" smell. It's pretty much guaranteed our house whiffs of them, but we've grown to love it. Presumably most other dog owners get the same way about their pups. It can get a bit much though sometimes - our youngest farts a lot and likes to eat Soylent Brown whenever he can!
18 Feb 2003
Brighton/West Wicklow
I think it depends on the breed of dog and the dog itself to be fair, not to mention the level of care.

My gf had a big lab who did smell of dog a bit, noticeably when you walked in the house.

Now she has a ridgeback/lab cross who doesn't smell at all - totally not noticeable.

Bare in mind I see her on average about 6-8 times a year and only half of those instances are me going to her. I don't have any pets and so i'd definitely notice more than others.

My friend on the other hand has two weimaraners, and they ******* stink.

As in really bad.
25 Sep 2003
I used to have 4 rats and they stank, even I could smell them and I lived with them. I can't imagine what my friends thought when they came over, or our house mates who put up with them as well.

Despite that, they were very cute though. :p
30 Jan 2008
We've got a retriever (did have three) and live next to a river, so she swims every day and is wet for most of the morning. As a result, she does make the house smell. Not much we can do about it really, other than prevent her from going for a swim.

I think that because they spend so much time wet that they secrete more oils from the skin to make the fur oily so it repels water better and they dry off quicker, so stay warmer...
13 Feb 2006
We've got a retriever (did have three) and live next to a river, so she swims every day and is wet for most of the morning. As a result, she does make the house smell. Not much we can do about it really, other than prevent her from going for a swim.

I think that because they spend so much time wet that they secrete more oils from the skin to make the fur oily so it repels water better and they dry off quicker, so stay warmer...

Smells aside, that sounds like one healthy and very lucky dog, getting that sort of exercise every day.
11 Mar 2009
Because there around it they wont notice it its like smoking whenever i got to the gf's house its everywhere despite them limiting it to the kitchen :(
11 Oct 2005
Lol people keep rats as pets?

Yes, I have 3 girls and 4 boys.

Yeah, they are like mini dogs. As for smelling I agree with male rats, they stink, female rats on the other hand smell no worse than hamsters or other small rodents.

Females don't have a smell to their fur, boys have a slightly musky smelly which I think is quite nice but neither smell dirty. Both sexes can smell if they're not cleaned out every week just like every other animal.

My dog only started to smell when he got older. I think if you feed them a good diet and groom them they don't really smell unless they've been wet.

My cats don't smell either, it's the litter tray that smells if they've used it not the cats themselves.
20 Feb 2009
When I was hunting for a new flat I visited one that used to have a dog living there for about 10 years.. Turned in the doorway. Horrible :(
Really sticks to the walls etc
15 Sep 2006
Somewhere in York
OMG dont know what it is but everyhouse ive visited with dogs it absolutly reeks. Went to pick up a 2nd hand case from a couple in manchester, well off couple, young, smart but as soon as i walked in just bam like a wall of smell that you could taste. Couldnt breath through nose and didnt want to breath through mouth so basically left chokeing!!

Like they were just sitting there like normal as if there was no smell, i didnt want to be rude so just sat there and didnt mention it. Got used to after a bit which i am guessing they are.

Anyone with dogs have similar problems? and what precautions do you take?

ahh can still smell it now - on my clothes

Most people feed there dog on supermarket dog food (which is really really poor quality food), which in turn overloads the dogs system with nasty chemicals it doesn't need.

The body tries to then sweat out the chemicals via the fur, which creates the "dog smell" and the greasy feeling of most dogs.

Come round my house and i can guarantee you wont smell my dog.
12 Nov 2008
My aunt has a dog, you can't smell her at all.

But other peoples houses who have dogs tend to stink! Guess it depends on the breed of the dog, and the attitude of the owner.
11 Apr 2006
by the sea
We have a puppy - my clothes certainally smell of dog (coat / jeans / dog walking jumper), and pretty much everything has a light dusting of dog hair.
Edit: he also farts like a trooper, but we're putting that down to the rich puppy food (skinners field and trial puppy, for those who care) and hope he'll grown out of when we change his grub!
Oh well - means I get the joy of a dog!

Dog pee, on the other hand, is a problem and has made part of the garden very 'wiffy'! Any tips, dog owners?! Jeyes fluid isn't doing the trick!
15 Sep 2006
Somewhere in York
We have a puppy - my clothes certainally smell of dog (coat / jeans / dog walking jumper), and pretty much everything has a light dusting of dog hair.
Oh well - means I get the joy of a dog!

Dog pee, on the other hand, is a problem and has made part of the garden very 'wiffy'! Any tips, dog owners?! Jeyes fluid isn't doing the trick!

Change the dog food and get him spayed.

Strong dog wee is a sign of a bad diet and none castrated males.
11 Apr 2006
by the sea
What food are you feeding him?

If its anything like Butchers, Pedigree, Bakers and so on, then you are poisoning your dog.

Skinners Field and Trial Puppy - as he was fed by the Breeder - the brand that the breeder feeds all of his (field trials champion) dogs...
For a thread about smelly dogs - you've made very, er, harsh responses.
Are you a vet? Pet nutritionist?
5 Aug 2006
Family has 2 dogs that are half westie and half miniture snauwser (sp?).

They are in the sink if they get muddy feet whilst in the garden or on a walk.
They get regular haircuts (as it is cruel to let their hair get so long as they get too hot) and they get regular baths.

Best of all, they do not get hair everywhere!! I would never own a malting dog.

The house never smells of dog:)

EDIT: The only time the house has smelt of dog is when someone used a steam cleaner on the wool rug in the living room:p
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