Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas?

21 May 2010
OK, so this is going to a very random and peculiar question...but...

Do any of you guys shave your legs/armpits and other areas? If so why?

P.S. I will reveal my answer later ;)
I trimmed my pits recently because frankly it was out of control, who would want to see pit hairs poking out the ends of my long sleeved coat? Legs no, gentleman sausage yes.
My cousin used to shave his legs. He used to cycle at a reasonable level and he told me it was to prevent hairs getting matted into the inevitable gashes and grazes.
Pubes get the clipper treatment but certainly not a clean shave. Keeps things in check and makes my tiny penis look that little bit bigger.

Early signs of a monobrow get sorted out too.
No. The ony legitimate reason to do so is if you are a swimmer. Though, the willy warmer gets a trim.

I'm a swimmer and still don't go for legs/pits etc... Although some cyclists can understandably shave their legs.

Snail Trail gets the occasional trim. Also I'll definitely be removing back/chest hair that pops up...

the mangarden gets pruned regularly but thats it, occasionally the razer goes up my face to take care of the beginnings ofa monobrow but no more than that.
I trim the pubic forest back, but don't shave my chest, arms, legs or pits. Besides, my current girlfriend likes me to be blokey with some body hair, those over-manicured and pampered metrosexual types do nothing for her.
Also I'll definitely be removing back/chest hair that pops up...

Back and shoulder hair, thinkfully, has never been a problem for me. Rest assured, the moment it starts poking out I'll be getting it waxed right off, and I'll feel damn manly doing it.

That being said... you don't have chest hair? Sucks to be you :p. I love my manly, hairy chest, and so does my girlfriend. I could understand if it was a bit like a carpet, but I've got the perfect amount and there's nothing better - couldn't do without it :)
Back and shoulder hair, thinkfully, has never been a problem for me. Rest assured, the moment it starts poking out I'll be getting it waxed right off, and I'll feel damn manly doing it.

That being said... you don't have chest hair? Sucks to be you :p. I love my manly, hairy chest, and so does my girlfriend. I could understand if it was a bit like a carpet, but I've got the perfect amount and there's nothing better - couldn't do without it :)

I've got some chest, and I'm alright with it. But yeah.. Carpet is a no no... Also whilst I'm ok with leg hair etc.. at the pool, having seen plenty of men get out of a swimming pool with a hairy chest - no no

Nope, only thing that will get shaved is the shoulders if it starts to get unruly or stick out around my collars!
Other than trimming around the as put 'willy warmer' and face its au-natural!
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