Pubes get the clipper treatment but certainly not a clean shave. Keeps things in check and makes my tiny penis look that little bit bigger.
Early signs of a monobrow get sorted out too.
Pubes get the clipper treatment but certainly not a clean shave.
Pubes get the clipper treatment but certainly not a clean shave. Keeps things in check and makes my tiny penis look that little bit bigger.
Early signs of a monobrow get sorted out too.
No. The ony legitimate reason to do so is if you are a swimmer. Though, the willy warmer gets a trim.
Also I'll definitely be removing back/chest hair that pops up...
Back and shoulder hair, thinkfully, has never been a problem for me. Rest assured, the moment it starts poking out I'll be getting it waxed right off, and I'll feel damn manly doing it.
That being said... you don't have chest hair? Sucks to be you. I love my manly, hairy chest, and so does my girlfriend. I could understand if it was a bit like a carpet, but I've got the perfect amount and there's nothing better - couldn't do without it
the mangarden gets pruned regularly but thats it, occasionally the razer goes up my face to take care of the beginnings ofa monobrow but no more than that.