£400 per month to invest - Where?

If he has a mortgage then there is absolutely zero point putting any away into an ISA. ISA rates aren't even above inflation right now, so everyone with money in one is losing money :rolleyes:

If it's an instant access cash ISA, sure. If it's S&S and not holding the same geriatric coffee table ******** most people go for (Miton Special Sits, Invesco Perpetual High Income, Blackrock Gold & General etc), the tax free returns can be quite attractive provided the returns take you over the CGT allowance.
I'd say start gambling.

If you limit yourself to the £400 its not a problem at all and can be extremely fun and the potential rewards can be amazing.

I have a budget of about £200-300 per month for the casino. If I lose all of it I consider it a normal month and just do whatever I normally do. If I win big I just consider it a party month, give away ****loads of cash, and live like a don for a few weeks.

Losing £200 per month of my salary is nothing. But being able to triple or quadruple my whole month's-worth of salary is truly amazing.

Gambling can be extremely fun and immensely rewarding if you have steady income, smart budget and good judgement on when to stop. And I only play roulette, I really need to learn to play poker properly.

Stay away from bookies and these BS internet casinos. Only virtual casino I'd recommend is the live dealer wheel on Supercasino.
Mortgage, depending on your deal you may only be able to overpay by x amount each month if its less than your £400 do the max amount and stick the rest into an ISA interest free savings, fixed will give you a better %
Once you come to the end of your mortgage term stick the extra ISA money into it to lessen your repayments. This is the best option unless your Mortgage % is less than you can get in a savings account
I'd say start gambling.

If you limit yourself to the £400 its not a problem at all and can be extremely fun and the potential rewards can be amazing.

I have a budget of about £200-300 per month for the casino. If I lose all of it I consider it a normal month and just do whatever I normally do. If I win big I just consider it a party month, give away ****loads of cash, and live like a don for a few weeks.

Losing £200 per month of my salary is nothing. But being able to triple or quadruple my whole month's-worth of salary is truly amazing.

Gambling can be extremely fun and immensely rewarding if you have steady income, smart budget and good judgement on when to stop. And I only play roulette, I really need to learn to play poker properly.

Stay away from bookies and these BS internet casinos. Only virtual casino I'd recommend is the live dealer wheel on Supercasino.

is this a joke?
what a stupid thing to post.
I'd say start gambling.

If you limit yourself to the £400 its not a problem at all and can be extremely fun and the potential rewards can be amazing.

I have a budget of about £200-300 per month for the casino. If I lose all of it I consider it a normal month and just do whatever I normally do. If I win big I just consider it a party month, give away ****loads of cash, and live like a don for a few weeks.

Losing £200 per month of my salary is nothing. But being able to triple or quadruple my whole month's-worth of salary is truly amazing.

Gambling can be extremely fun and immensely rewarding if you have steady income, smart budget and good judgement on when to stop. And I only play roulette, I really need to learn to play poker properly.

Stay away from bookies and these BS internet casinos. Only virtual casino I'd recommend is the live dealer wheel on Supercasino.

I've highlighted some words and put them together to get: Stay away from gambling. Much better advice right there, and in only four words!

I realise I suggested blackjack and hookers, but I wasn't being serious about the blackjack.
If it's an instant access cash ISA, sure. If it's S&S and not holding the same geriatric coffee table ******** most people go for (Miton Special Sits, Invesco Perpetual High Income, Blackrock Gold & General etc), the tax free returns can be quite attractive provided the returns take you over the CGT allowance.

Some of those funds are huge because they have performed pretty well, if you think they are **** which would seem odd then what would you say was worth looking at?
A short weekend away. There are many great places you could go fri/sat night on £400 every month (inc flights, cheapish hotel and spends)
I'm in a similar situation OP, I have about 6 months net salary saved up. Being risk averse I wanted a substantial sink fund for the first year after I bought my flat and that has now passed so I will be paying off my mortgage, or at least the most I can pay off under the early repayment concession. I will still have a few k spare as a rainy day fund and will up my monthly payment going forward. You should find out what your early repayment terms are on your mortgage some allow you to overpay then take payment holidays if you need to, some actually allow to to draw back overpayments if you find you need to. Pretty sure with mine I can take a payment holiday if I have overpaid but can't take the money back so partly why I will still keep a bit spare.

My rate isn't great on my mortgage (3.6%) so to be better of saving I would need to find an ISA with a better rate than that or otherwise you are looking at needing 6%+return before tax
best thing to do is pay off the mortgage - that will save you far more money than the pitifully low isa rates.

My fixed rate cash isa is currently on 3.6% interest, the interest being charged on my base rate tracker mortgage is 1.25%

So for me more money in my isa is better than paying off my mortgage.

Doesn't work for everyone like that I know but for me luckily it does.
Buy fields, land will be worth tons more in 20 years as space gets tighter. Say if you had 100K worth of fields now, I bet it would be worth 500K by 2038. All the people why were buying tons of land back in the 70`s and 80`s are very wealthy now
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