Richard Dawkins sums up religion

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
It's like me saying, how much power does Harry Potter have ?

Well, he doesn't have much really, once He Who Must Not Be Named had a few drops of his blood.

He exists according to the Theory of MicroEvolution. Which also shows the Theory of MacroEvolution is wrong.


1. They are the same thing.
2. How does scientific gene theory prove that satan exists?
15 Nov 2003
Questions came to me today about Jesus...
1) Why was he born of a woman? Why didn't he just appear? Why waste years thrashing around in a cot?
2) He wasn't against showing his magical powers because he performed miracles (eg: walking on water). So why mess about? Just have a halo over your head constantly and let people know what they were dealing with!
3) Why did he die? If he had stayed alive, forever, he'd have had a bigger impact! Especially in this day and age!
27 Dec 2011
Questions came to me today about Jesus...
1) Why was he born of a woman? Why didn't he just appear? Why waste years thrashing around in a cot?
2) He wasn't against showing his magical powers because he performed miracles (eg: walking on water). So why mess about? Just have a halo over your head constantly and let people know what they were dealing with!
3) Why did he die? If he had stayed alive, forever, he'd have had a bigger impact! Especially in this day and age!

I can answer all three questions in just 3 words ( Hey isn't that a trinity ? :D )

It's all ******** !
30 Dec 2004
Questions came to me today about Jesus...
1) Why was he born of a woman? Why didn't he just appear? Why waste years thrashing around in a cot?
2) He wasn't against showing his magical powers because he performed miracles (eg: walking on water). So why mess about? Just have a halo over your head constantly and let people know what they were dealing with!
3) Why did he die? If he had stayed alive, forever, he'd have had a bigger impact! Especially in this day and age!

Are they the only questions that occured to you today ? did it not occur to you that Jesus did not even exist? the supposed son of a god who created the universe of XXX gazillion planets etc found that the only means to get his son on Earth was to impregnate a woman by 'stealth' means :p

Your very questions should give you the answer but your faith prevents you from accepting it unfortunately
22 Jun 2012
Questions came to me today about Jesus...
1) Why was he born of a woman? Why didn't he just appear? Why waste years thrashing around in a cot?
2) He wasn't against showing his magical powers because he performed miracles (eg: walking on water). So why mess about? Just have a halo over your head constantly and let people know what they were dealing with!
3) Why did he die? If he had stayed alive, forever, he'd have had a bigger impact! Especially in this day and age!

Yes the simple answer to all of these questions is :

Because it is all made up and he does not exist. (well ok he might exist but I am reasonably sure he doesn't)
26 Jun 2010
My only point is what most people celebrate now has no strict adherence to a purely Christian celebration, quite the oposite. People celebrate many of the same concepts that people in Europe have celebrated for thousands of years at this time of year. Celebrating the birth of Christ is relatively new compared to celebrating the god of light or nature. Heck, the early Christians didn't even see the need to celebrate the birth of Christ!

This is true...Christmas is a religious and also a cultural observance in our society. It is also pre-dated (but not necessarily related to) by other observances...Solstices and astronomically significant event are common factors in religious ritual..Christianity is no different to any other religion or belief system in this way.

However, while very few early Christians (pre 3rd Century) did celebrate, or rather observe Christ's Birth..there was early Christian Sects, such as Donatism and Novatianism who were recorded as observing Christ's Birth on the 25th December prior to 311. We do not know why they chose that date, we do know that Augustine of Hippo used the Donatists as leverage to induct the celebration into the mainstream (while castigating the Donatists for not following the Epiphany ironically moving the Donatists out of the mainstream church at the same time)...there are several reasons why December 25th was chosen (I have mentioned at least one of them in the thread on this subject)..and they are well grounded in Christianity, not Paganism...the relationship of Pagan festivals to Christmas are secondary and are more about how they influenced modern Western culture and the celebration we recognise today, than its actual creation. The common trend to say that Christmas was stolen from the Pagans is a misconception and isn't supported by what we actually know.
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18 Oct 2002
Royston, Herts
Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Is it just me or there something deeply sinister about a religion that categorically states that the beginning of knowledge is fear of God? So the basis is fear? Nice. And fools despise fear. OK then.
15 Nov 2003
Are they the only questions that occured to you today ? did it not occur to you that Jesus did not even exist? the supposed son of a god who created the universe of XXX gazillion planets etc found that the only means to get his son on Earth was to impregnate a woman by 'stealth' means :p

Your very questions should give you the answer but your faith prevents you from accepting it unfortunately

Huh? Did you read the points, and respond accordingly? They're very clear in suggesting my conclusion is it doesn't make any sense, so isn't genuine?
15 Nov 2003
Is it just me or there something deeply sinister about a religion that categorically states that the beginning of knowledge is fear of God? So the basis is fear? Nice. And fools despise fear. OK then.

If you consider faith is generally used to keep people "in line", is it surprising someone has written this?
26 Jun 2010
Is it just me or there something deeply sinister about a religion that categorically states that the beginning of knowledge is fear of God? So the basis is fear? Nice. And fools despise fear. OK then.

Not categorically unfortunately...Fear is used in reference to Gods Authority...Solomon is speaking about morality and teaching a young man under his authority about that morality, and fear is rendered (Hebrew) in the context that such Knowledge comes from God and that God should be obeyed in that instruction (like a child would be told that they should obey their Teacher and that what the teacher says is knowledge)) as well as observing worship and reverence to God, in so doing so the young man will be better prepared to follow such instruction (commandments). Fool is again rendered according to how Hebrew would contextualise it, not how we use the word today...Fool is someone who is morally deficient..not someone who is stupid.

The basis of Proverbs 1:7 (taken in isolation, which kedge should know full well is not how you read the Bible) is not Fear, as in the fear of spiders or of dying..but the respect of authority and fear of consequence if you do not adhere to the knowledge (morality) invested in that authority (God)...such as a punishment for not doing your homework or a consequence of not following an instruction, like putting your hand in a fire when you've been told not to etc.... It's not sinister when you look at it in the context of the entire passage or the correct syntax of the Hebrew in which it was written and the time in which it applies.
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