PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Good summary here on Eurogamer

Sony have mandated that Neo games must run at 1080p, so you could see drops to 900p or dynamic resolutions become the norm on base PS4 now.

I must admit, I wasn't that bothered about the new console but I can feel the hype just starting to build in my bones.
Just commented on this on GAF, I thought the same it might go to 900p but the implication to XO will probably prevent that. Might just be what we have right now while the PS4 Neo just has power to spare for bells and whistles...

Ive found Eurogamers coverage amateur and seem to miss simple points and conclusions

ps3ud0 :cool:
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19 Jun 2012
I think eventually PC and console hardware models are going to converge to a degree and consoles will become upgradeable. I think it is the only way to stop them being out of date, in hardware terms, on release day.

The current crop of consoles feel pretty woeful in terms of hardware ability. Perhaps trimming R&D / QC lead times can also help in this regard when consoles are in the development phase. Current consoles are struggling to do 1080p @ 60FPS without serious dents to the eye candy as well as, for example, limitations in server sizes on multiplayer games. Comparitively speaking, current consoles are years behind compared to the PC market. I can't see that disparity changing without a fresh look at release cycles for consoles as well as the entire ethos of consoles being overhauled.

Perhaps the problem partially sits with the consumer audiance. Even if current consoles did have the power to deliver 1080@60FPS would developers give us that? Or would they use the extra power on more graphical bells and whistles because, after all, graphics sell games not smooth frame rates.

I kind of feel that 1080@60FPS (or 4K @ 60FPS) is never going to happen in the console market because of that fact.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I don't think they will do the user upgradeable parts, replacing HDD is as far as it will go since the last thing you want is to cause the developing problems in what they need to code for with various CPU/RAM/GPX variance.

By doing the 0.5 upgrade every 4 year cycle meaning they just code for the 8 year base cycle with the 4 year "performance/high res" bump. That way, they are not fragmenting their user base and the user base will continue to expand. As opposed to it resetting every console generation.

There is always the possibility that the developer can code a game that go back to more than 1 generation like from PS4 when the PS6 is out, if the game is something simpler like a lot of the current PSN games. That way you maximise your user base.

Sony will have maximised their user base without a "hard reset", the developers knows where they are and always have a console to code for so it won't take them a few years before they get the hang of the new one. It will be like a PC with the same architecture anyway now. The customer won't really mind if they can play all the games (like 720p v 1080p...its hard to tell anyway!) if they don't want to do the 0.5 update. We can all just do the 8 year cycle with a new console as we always have done.

Win, win and win.

The only reason why you would be upset about this is if you are a person who has to have the latest tech.
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8 Apr 2008
a galaxy far far away
whilst sony are at it. perhaps we can have full keyboard + mouse support for those who want it???

although i have had a ps4 previously. i purchased my most recent in march. i am a little upset that they are now going to bring out a superior version... yes i dont have to upgrade but i may as well have stayed with my x1 which imo has the better exclusives.

of course MS may have the same plan to....
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
whilst sony are at it. perhaps we can have full keyboard + mouse support for those who want it???

although i have had a ps4 previously. i purchased my most recent in march. i am a little upset that they are now going to bring out a superior version... yes i dont have to upgrade but i may as well have stayed with my x1 which imo has the better exclusives.

of course MS may have the same plan to....

MS will have to have the same plan, it will be Android v Apple thing all over again. If they don't they will be left behind. Also this way they can finally "catch up" to Sony's hardware advantage too.
20 Dec 2004
By doing the 0.5 upgrade every 4 year cycle meaning they just code for the 8 year base cycle with the 4 year "performance/high res" bump. That way, they are not fragmenting their user base and the user base will continue to expand. As opposed to it resetting every console generation.

Good point I hadn't thought of. This kind of refresh cycle increases brand 'stickiness'. It takes away the whole "which system will I buy this generation" decision people make.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Have people been considering this as just a one-off mid-cycle event til now? To me its always been the idea of a new iteration every few years and inherent forward/backwards compatibility...

Main reason why I see those sticking points moreso when the PS5 turns up having to consider what games are allowed to do subject to the PS4 Neo existing...

ps3ud0 :cool:
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Good point I hadn't thought of. This kind of refresh cycle increases brand 'stickiness'. It takes away the whole "which system will I buy this generation" decision people make.

Over time, people will probably end up with both consoles, perhaps upgrade either one every 4 years.

This year will be my Playstation update, but skipping the next one, and use the money for the Xbox update instead.

At least I can see that's what I would do.
28 Oct 2003
I've already decided to jettison Xbox now. My 'bone has barely been used, I no longer subscribe to Xbox Live and I'm not fussed about any of the MS franchises (apart from Crackdown 3). I don't think this will change next gen unless the PS5 is way underpowered compared to alternatives.
2 Aug 2006
Jersey Channel Islands
They are doing this as they need a more powerful PS4 to do VR well and people want to be able to take advantage of 4K TV's. Sony might be saying that the PS4.5 Console can do 4K, but there is no way that it will output 4K games with the level of detail as it can on 1080P. They might be doing the same thing that has been done in the past and just use upscaling, essentially developers won't have an issue creating games for both versions of the console as the 4.5/4K version of the PS4 will just have a more powerful/higher clocked APU so will be able to display content at a higher resolution.

I don't see this as a problem I bought the console a couple of months after release, but I can see why this may annoy some people who have recently bought a PS4 who may have wanted the more powerful variant of the console.

Either way technology and the speed/power of computers and consoles is always going to advance so I don't see any point in getting salty over new products coming out.

If you're happy with a product when you buy it and you get good use out of that said product then there isn't really a problem, the only real issue I would have is if a manufacturer lies regarding a product or withholds information regarding issues with it so they are mis-selling it.
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19 Jun 2012
I don't think they will do the user upgradeable parts, replacing HDD is as far as it will go since the last thing you want is to cause the developing problems in what they need to code for with various CPU/RAM/GPX variance.

By doing the 0.5 upgrade every 4 year cycle meaning they just code for the 8 year base cycle with the 4 year "performance/high res" bump. That way, they are not fragmenting their user base and the user base will continue to expand. As opposed to it resetting every console generation.

There is always the possibility that the developer can code a game that go back to more than 1 generation like from PS4 when the PS6 is out, if the game is something simpler like a lot of the current PSN games. That way you maximise your user base.

Sony will have maximised their user base without a "hard reset", the developers knows where they are and always have a console to code for so it won't take them a few years before they get the hang of the new one. It will be like a PC with the same architecture anyway now. The customer won't really mind if they can play all the games (like 720p v 1080p...its hard to tell anyway!) if they don't want to do the 0.5 update. We can all just do the 8 year cycle with a new console as we always have done.

Win, win and win.

The only reason why you would be upset about this is if you are a person who has to have the latest tech.

But the flip side to this is that you have to make your 4 year refresh a product that is going to sell in order to cover the costs. Ergo, it needs to be substantially better than the previous iteration (and indeed the competetors offerings) or people just won't buy it. That is great, to some degree, for consumers as it is like a mini arms race. Whoo hoo.

However, in making a product that is worth spending money on you potentially marginalise users of older hardware very much the same way that Apple currently do by refusing to support older versions of iOS, for example. You effectively introduce a class system into the console market that revolves around how much money you can spend which is really against everything console gaming stands for.
2 Aug 2006
Jersey Channel Islands
But the flip side to this is that you have to make your 4 year refresh a product that is going to sell in order to cover the costs. Ergo, it needs to be substantially better than the previous iteration (and indeed the competetors offerings) or people just won't buy it. That is great, to some degree, for consumers as it is like a mini arms race. Whoo hoo.

However, in making a product that is worth spending money on you potentially marginalise users of older hardware very much the same way that Apple currently do by refusing to support older versions of iOS, for example. You effectively introduce a class system into the console market that revolves around how much money you can spend which is really against everything console gaming stands for.

I don't see this happening, there is no proposed operating system changes to the PS4.5 it will essentially just have a higher clocked APU this will not dictate that you have to have the PS4.5 to play certain games. The fact that it is more powerful might make it run some games at better frame rates but this is still to be seen and we don't know how Sony are planning to implement this slightly more powerful version of their console.
19 Jun 2012
I don't see this happening, there is no proposed operating system changes to the PS4.5 it will essentially just have a higher clocked APU this will not dictate that you have to have the PS4.5 to play certain games. The fact that it is more powerful might make it run some games at better frame rates but this is still to be seen and we don't know how Sony are planning to implement this slightly more powerful version of their console.

OK, so if it is only marginally better who will buy it? You will get some sales from those who have to have the latest tech or have a need to watch blu rays in 4K, sure, but everyone else?

It does not make sense to release a product that is only slightly better than the last one and bear all the costs that go with it to lose out on sales. In essence, that is why the main console developers have never really done it other than minor changes like a bigger HDD or an extra USB port or something. Actual higher specced hardware performance, to my knowledge, has never been introduced part way through a release cycle. There must be a reason for that, and my guess is that it boils down to cost benefit analysis.

But I admit that maybe x86 based hardware opens doors that were previously closed in that regard.
20 Dec 2004
But I admit that maybe x86 based hardware opens doors that were previously closed in that regard.

That's precisely don't have to spend mega money developing a new revision anymore, x86 is good enough.

I think they'll sell truckloads of em, and get a nice bump on PS4 sales by dropping the price.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
They wont sell truckloads of PS4.5 at all.

That's precisely the reason why they can't afford to make exclusive games and split the user base, it would be akin to a new console from a new format if you can't play the same game on a regular PS4.

When the 4.5 comes out, the 4 will have a price drop, say $100. Slowly, over time, people will take up the newer, higher spec console. When the next one after 4.5 comes out, they will stop making the PS4 (but continue to support it for another cycle), forcing people buying the PS5 and 4.5. Thus slowly forcing the user base to upgrade whilst keeping the PS4 owners happy as their games will continue to work. By such time, it could be 10-12 years before games won't run on the PS4 but by would have saved up for a new one already !
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