Doesn't seem like a huge issue to me.. I had mine done at age 21, don't regret it at all..
as in you dont have an issue with small boys being mutilated or you dont have an issue with circumcisions at all? at least at 21 you have the ability to consent.
Your whole post is emotive any decision to curtail a religious practice needs to be carefully implemented and the process needs to be 100% clean and transparent.As I already pointed out there isn't a problem there, research would indeed support it. DO you have any reason to think otherwise.
My point was that that shouldn't even be a requirement, as per the post were I've already explained that. What is your opinion on a child getting a tattoo for example?
It isn't an emotive argument, it is citing a practice that currently happens and that contains risk. A rabbi cutting off a part of the penis ought to be outlawed in general tbh... that is the bigger issue.
Your whole post is emotive any decision to curtail a religious practice needs to be carefully implemented and the process needs to be 100% clean and transparent.
I have already given my opinion on circumcision i.e. It is wrong but my opinion shouldn't sway the decision medical fact should. My opinion on child tattooing is hardly relevant.
I fail to understand why you would seek to ban something so controversial without using an independant evidence based approach undertaken by experts?
I'm not going to enter into a circular argument I've said my piece, I haven't skim read your posts, I have already responded to all your points other than the spurious tattooing.What is emotive about it?
It might illustrate why I'm arguing that even regardless of the medical issue I think it it wrong...
So what is it - what do you think of tattoos on children?
Because you've failed to understand, have just skimmed over or have simply ignored my arguments. I've already pointed out that yes, of course, there is evidence of harm. I've asked you why on earth you'd even think otherwise or whether you have anything contrary to that? But my point is that there shouldn't even need to be - the fact is it is a permanent change carried out on someone without their consent. That is why I asked your opinion on say a small tattoo on children, arguably less harmful than cutting a bit of their private parts off (though granted not without risk in itself).
I'm not going to enter into a circular argument I've said my piece, I haven't skim read your posts, I have already responded to all your points other than the spurious tattooing.
Circumcision is an operation, all operations carry risk. Lots of circumcisions go wrong, leaving you with pain or discomfort for life. Even if they "go to plan" like mine did, you lose sensitivity - all that skin with nerve endings is gone! Add a condom to that and I don't even bother having sex anymore, it's annoying when the girl's screaming her head off and you're not getting much out of it. As a consequence I'm alone and probably always will be.
Have a close friend with a similar story to yours, and he's the same way now, doesn't bother looking for a partner as he can only get himself to finish and with sex being a pretty big part of a relationship, it always led to the woman feeling like she wasn't good enough or that he wasn't interested.
Good, religious Freedoms should not include anything that affects other people. Including your children.
Religion needs to become a over 18 hobby.
Is sex really that much of a driver for your relationships? I know that it's important, but there are so many more aspects that can make sex a minor thing. To close yourself off like that due to sex only is sad...that's not all women want.
I don't know and I wouldn't feel comfortable interrogating my friend for more information, I'd imagine long term it's not but it's the impact it has short-term in the "honeymoon" phase where he said he really just can't be bothered with it as he gets very little from it, this then rubs off on her not being good enough or a perceived lack of attraction due to disinterest.
It's definitely not all women want, but a healthy sex life has been shown to make relationships longer lasting and more fulfilling. I guess he could look for a woman who has a low sex drive or something but to him, it just seems to be more effort than it's worth, which is cynical but without being in his situation is hard to understand.
Sounds like an isolated case, as previously mentioned.. I've been circumcised for the past 10 years.. Doesn't effect my sex life in any way.. if anything it improved it.
Definitely isn't an isolated case when there are 2 cases in just this thread alone and many more online, in adulthood when you have it done you can still remain somewhat sensitive from the years it was covered up.
If it improved it then maybe you had issues with the foreskin being too tight or something? It can vary massively really depending on individual circumstances and when they have the procedure.
I laughed more than I should have.Did you hear about the blind circumcisor.............he got the sack!!!!!!
I wouldn't of had it done if i didn't have issues to begin with.. I had phimosos and had the surgery done when i was 18 years old. Now i am pushing 30 i can honestly say i have had no issues in the bedroom, sensitivity is still present once things are underway.. if it was such an issue why are the majority of porn stars circumcised?
.. if it was such an issue why are the majority of porn stars circumcised?
I wouldn't of had it done if i didn't have issues to begin with.. I had phimosos and had the surgery done when i was 18 years old. Now i am pushing 30 i can honestly say i have had no issues in the bedroom, sensitivity is still present once things are underway.. if it was such an issue why are the majority of porn stars circumcised?
Yeah this should be the norm. If a kid gets to 18 and chooses they want to do it fine. But until then leave this barbaric practice in the past and leave metzitzah b’peh back there too.
Edit: To people who are at work, I wouldn't google image search that if you are unaware of it. Basically it is a practice where 'oral suction' is used after circumcision. Yes that is what you think it is. No it's not practiced widely. But it does go on.