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NVIDIA Stock Falls 2.1% After Turing GPU Reviews Fail to Impress Morgan Stanley, are they doomed?

23 May 2006
"if" and "hope".... says it all.
I guess you either think it will happen or you don't. No one is forcing anyone to buy these cards. If you think DLSS and RTX is snake oil buy a 1080ti or vega64.
I admit there is a risk it goes like physx. Technically great but fails because not all cards support it but I needed a new GPU as my current one is no good for 4k. I chose to look to the future but the option is there to play it safe.

YES I am disappointed with the price but that is what happens when a company faces no competition at the top combined with weak £ and shops cashing in on consumers eager to buy
5 Mar 2010
I hate graphs like the above (not blaming OP) but it is making a mountain out of a molehill. If Y axis started at zero like it should it would be more honest.
NV are starting a whole new tech. Maybe this gen will be over priced and under specs for what it is trying to do but without it maybe the card which IS all that in 3 years time could not exist without it.

That's the whole point of scaling. If the axis did range from 0 to say 300, you'd struggle to actually see a drop.

It's besides the point anyway, anyone who can read financial graphs would look longer term. A 2% drop is barely anything when you look at the share price. It's had much much more than a 2% movement in the last month (up and down).
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
^^^^ This, it's a "pet peeve" of mine as well, also that nobody in the BBC seem to know there "millions from their billions", I'm constantly "shouting at the TV/radio" in order to correct them (yes I'm old and grumpy)
clearly... there, their, and they're are a bit hard too? :p
24 Jun 2016
I think the size of the drop isn't the point here, we're talking about Nvidia releasing a new GPU and the fact their stock hasn't shot up is the real surprise here.

When was the last time (if ever) that this happened to NV?
4 Apr 2011
I dont think anyone wants nVidia to be doomed, I mean if you did then you'd be stuck with AMd and who in their right mind is going to want that.

What I do want is nVidia to really feel the effects of this ridiculous release... an unfinished, unusable, extremely expensive 2080 series of cards that people seem to be ordering. I'm worried, I'm worried about the next release of cards... do you think it will go back to £6-700 ? Absolutely not, if this series sells at this price, the next series will be the same if not more.
23 May 2006
I hope AMD get back in the game at the sharp end. They have managed it with CPUs however I fear they may be happy just having the consoles sewn up .
NV have played their cards beautifully. They have bought in a generation that in terms of raw performance is not that much better that previous... But that is ok because they are far enough ahead anyway.. but instead have bought in all new features which IF they take off could put them hugely ahead of the rest of the pack.
I doubt they could have done that if AMD was snapping at their heels
I imagine NV will be thinking by the time AMD catch up with the 2080/ti in terms of basic performance dlss and ray tracing will be considered a must have for high end gamers
6 Oct 2007
North West
Ray tracing will never take off unless consoles get it and that means AMD adopting it. Devs aint gonna develop for it without Nvidia paying them cash to do so, It will die on its butt.
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