World of Warcraft: Classic

Here's a list of guild names suggested so far since @Robi brought up guild names on page 55:

OCUK [Brits on Tour]
Pals for life
Make Alliance Great Again (1 character overlimit, would need to be shortened)
Rose Tinted Classes
Hindsight Brigade
Results May Vary
Top Revenue Earners
Boxing Stance
I am not a Shop
Avec Dino
Single Serving Friends
Gucci Belt Shopping Club

Another guild name could be:
I'm With Stupid -->
There's been a blue post regarding us herod being overcrowded. Blizzard are saying that if people don't roll on different servers that there will be 10k queues. They also reiterated that layering will be turned off in phase 2 which is great but I'd imagine that will make the problem even worse.

Hopefully this is not the state of all the current "full" realms.

Edit - right, they've made exactly the same post about Shazzrah.
Well our guild has decided to switch to golemagg, not even going to try shazz given how mentally overcrowded its going to be.
Just in case I have reserved my name on two PvP servers now.

I was on Kor'Gall originally and never experienced queues, but honestly I think that after a few months the rose tinted glasses may come off for a large majority and everything calm down.
There's been a blue post regarding us herod being overcrowded. Blizzard are saying that if people don't roll on different servers that there will be 10k queues. They also reiterated that layering will be turned off in phase 2 which is great but I'd imagine that will make the problem even worse.

Hopefully this is not the state of all the current "full" realms.

Edit - right, they've made exactly the same post about Shazzrah.

Ok well double the spread over four pvp servers then. Now when 60% of the initial hype dies you have fragmented realms where as if you put up with the initial rush of bots and noobs you will see two is plenty. Two is perfect roll one H one A if they are full well this is how it was in classic on Outland EU there were 3k queues at raidtime and when people moved due to that it killed the community.
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