How to wash your hands

17 Feb 2006
29 Jan 2008
Most people won't wash them for the at least 20 seconds recommended so putting some emphasis on hot water and washing for prolonged time is good - it's generally a good thing to promote a bit of caution etc.. with this - anything along these lines that might help contain and or slow the spread is a good thing to promote tbh...
19 Feb 2010
A large proportion of the population are filthy animals that don't cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing. If they do, they won't wash their hands after.

Add to that the scuzzers that don't wash their hands at all after going to the toilet.

If anything good comes out of this, hopefully it's better hygiene habits as a whole.

It's a bit annoying that the Government aren't really pushing the "don't cough over everyone, you scumbags!" angle too.
11 Sep 2013
Is it just me or do you not think it's embarrassing that the BBC has to offer a guide on how to keep your hands clean ?
Just you, I think.
I've probably been shown three completely different 'Official' methods of washing hands by Infection Control nurses, each one superseding the last as revised and approved... This BBC one looks like a truncated version of the last one I learned.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Is it just me or do you not think it's embarrassing that the BBC has to offer a guide on how to keep your hands clean ? I know people are generally stupid, but not being able to wash their hands properly ? I guess most fail at turning the tap off ?

No not at all.
When I started at the hospital 12 years ago one of my jobs was to give hand washing lessons to Clinicians and even some of them couldn't do it correctly.
So I'd start off by getting them to put a liquid on their hands and rubbing it in up to the wrists and then showed them under infra red what it looked like.
Then they wash until they are happy they are clean and then their hands go under the infra red again where they see they haven't done it correctly.

So once again I reckon 99.9% of people have no idea how to wash their hands properly.

This is the method I taught but there now might be revisions -

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
No not at all.
When I started at the hospital 12 years ago one of my jobs was to give hand washing lessons to Clinicians and even some of them couldn't do it correctly.
So I'd start off by getting them to put a liquid on their hands and rubbing it in up to the wrists and then showed them under infra red what it looked like.
Then they wash until they are happy they are clean and then their hands go under the infra red again where they see they haven't done it correctly.

So once again I reckon 99.9% of people have no idea how to wash their hands properly.

This is the method I taught but there now might be revisions -

So would you say that the BBC clip was a proper one ?

Edit: Whops, that clip wasn't there when I quoted you ! :p
25 Oct 2010
I put a complaint in a few years back about a guy that worked for the same company as me, he'd take a plap and just walk out of the toilets without washing his hands, caught him doing it a few times. We were in different departments, but the worst of it was, he worked in a call centre environment where people just jumped on whatever computer was available to them. So he was running around the place rubbing his unwashed fingers all over keyboards people never bothered to clean to begin with. He wasn't even the worst, there was a 'phantom-*******' that was never caught, all we knew was that it had to be a woman as it only ever happened in the female toilets and the buildings security cameras never spotted any men going in or out of them. Whoever it was would take a plap, fish it out of the toilet, then write all over the mirrors and walls with it.

People can be utterly disgusting pigs tbh.

I left the place after less than a year and it was in part due to low hygiene standards.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
11 Sep 2013
He wasn't even the worst, there was a 'phantom-*******' that was never caught, all we knew was that it had to be a woman as it only ever happened in the female toilets and the buildings security cameras never spotted any men going in or out of them. Whoever it was would take a plap, fish it out of the toilet, then write all over the mirrors and walls with it.
People can be utterly disgusting pigs tbh.
And yet, there was a guy on Eurotrash ages back, who made a fortune painting with his turds and then selling it as art....!!
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