Would you shorten your life by ten years so you could relive your favourite year?

24 Jun 2021
The last 10 years of life aren't really worth anything. Plenty of people would sudoku if it was legal, so sure, one good year seems like a good deal.
Relevant petition for anyone who agrees:
1 Aug 2005
Relevant petition for anyone who agrees:

I've always agreed with assisted suicide.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
@Raymond Lin @Lysander
The word 'sudoku' is a widely used substitute for the upsetting s word. It allows discussion without upsetting people or getting banned. Presumably it started from the seppuku thing and just stuck for the other reasons.

If you want a laugh, I first heard about seppuku on this website about 20 odd years ago.

It sounds like to me people got the puzzle game confused with the ritual.

You certainly won't see a Japanese speaker mixing those 2 up. It sounds like people are making up excuses to cover their (honest) mistakes!
Last edited:
3 Aug 2015
Relevant petition for anyone who agrees:
The Government response is disappointing:

The Government’s position remains that any change to the law in this emotive and contentious area is a matter for Parliament to decide and an issue of conscience for individual parliamentarians rather than one for Government policy.

There should be a public referendum on it rather than relying on the views of individual MPs / Lords.
1 Aug 2005
It sounds like to me people got the puzzle game confused with the ritual.

You certainly won't see a Japanese speaker mixing those 2 up. It sounds like people are making up excuses to cover their (honest) mistakes!

It's a deliberate misspelling, apparently, which is exactly what @throwaway4372 was saying.

1 Aug 2005
I think it was 1990, not my favourite year but the year with a lot of potential, missed opportunities due to not being able to spot the signs or realising too late.

I'm with you on the 'missed opportunities' thing. So many of those. I'll tell you one of my favourites, from about 2009, I think.

I was living in a block of flats and had a studio of my own. Every so often there was a very hot girl, a black girl, who I would see in the corridor. We wouldn't talk much but we would exchange pleasantries, smile and say "hi" and "bye" etc. That was it.

I needed an excuse to talk to her and couldn't think of one naturally. It was Christmas at work and we had been given a load of white wine which I wasn't going to drink since I don't drink white wine, only red. I had the idea that I could give some of the wine to her and start an exchange that way.

So one day very soon we passed in the corridor again and I said, "oh hi Samatha [that was her name, I don't know how I'd got it but I had], I have something for you in my flat, why don't you come by later today?" She looked at me quizzically and said, "errr OK, is 6pm all right?" So we agreed to meet then that evening.

I lugged this box of white wine back to my place and she turned up at around 6pm. She wasn't looking like anything special, just wearing sloppy indoor clothes but still gorgeous. I said, "hi hi, come in" as she looked kind of suspiciously through the doorway into the flat.

She came in and I said, "since it's Christmas we've been given a load of white wine at work. There is so much here I don't know what to do with it, so I thought, why not give some of it to you?"

She looked a bit taken aback and said, "oh, wow, OK. This is great. There is a lot here, yes!"

I said, "yes I know, you see the problem. You do drink white wine, don't you?"

She said, "yes yes, I do. But there's too much here. I couldn't possibly drink all this on my own. Not unless... unless... you had some of it with me?"

After this golden gateway of an opportunity I immediately and unhesitatingly replied, "oh, no, sorry, I only drink red."

She paused for a second. Then, slightly embarrassed she said, "er, well, OK then, thanks" and awkwardly took the box out the door.

The sad thing is that I thought nothing of this galactic screw-up at the time. It was only a couple of years later when I idly looked back on it that I realised.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
For Nightmare mode it could go either way. I think you may be able to even improve some situations, whereas others would probably turn out worse.
Chaos mode sounds potentially better than nightmare mode to me, for people that currently have a lot of issues with people (e.g. they are criminals). Lets you wipe the slate clean as it were. It's the only mode that really gives you a 'free hit' as it were in terms of you can relive a year, be a complete idiot and (assuming you survive the year) not have to deal with the consequences.
Reliving isn't the same as experiencing it for the first time. You'll likely come back disappointed that it wasn't as great as you remembered and end up with a shorter life and ruined memories :p
Good point. Chances are most people would pick a time period they have fond memories of which will be a kind of double-whammy, firstly it will hard to enjoy it as much second time around and secondly your memories will then be tainted by that fact.
How do you know your favourite year isn't still to come?
Furthermore, you don't know what years you are trading in because you don't know how long you will live. If you've only got 10 years left (you just don't know it yet), then you'd return to 2023 and die straight away.
I imagine a lot people would think that trading say age 90-100 is ok but not age 25-35.
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