
Welcome to the OcUK forums!
This is a place for our community to hang out and discuss all things hardware, software, gaming and life. As such, the content found within our forums is user generated and therefore does not reflect the views and opinions of Overclockers UK / OcUK. We therefore ask all readers and contributors to observe the following rules to ensure the forums remain a safe place for everyone.
OcUK holds a strict policy of inclusion and equality, and we respectfully remind all members to treat their fellow community members with the respect they would expect in return. This includes, but not limited to, the prevention and moderation of threads or comments which are:-
  • Racist
  • Sexist
  • Xenophobic
  • Defamatory
  • Ageist
  • Ableist
  • Transphobic
  • Homophobic
  • Religionist
Whilst we allow the discussion of matters such as race, sex, religion, nationality, disabilities, politics, and gender, we require these posts and comments to remain on topic, constructive and objective and remind all contributors to be considerate and think about how others may interpret their comments before posting.
The following topics, content or behaviour is prohibited from the OcUK forums and will result in moderation:-
  • Adult material (e.g. intimate, sexually explicit media or sexually suggestive content, including that of minors or of someone without their consent)
  • Prohibited goods or services (e.g. Illegal firearms, ammunition, explosives, drugs, stolen goods, personal information, fraudulent products or services)
  • Personal attacks
  • Trolling
  • Doxxing (e.g. attempting to discover or reveal someone’s identity)
  • Spamming
  • Harassment
  • Stalking
  • Bullying
  • Cyberflashing
  • Threats of Violence
  • Medical advice (e.g. remedies, prescriptions, or advice where a user would be best seeking a professional)
  • Promotion of business interests or self gain, or the use of unsolicited referral links
  • Software protected by copyright (e.g. “warez”, “gamez”, “ROMs”) and emulation
  • Games console modification (e.g. chipping or jailbreaking)
  • Promotion of OcUK competitors
  • Anti-OcUK
  • Swearing (Use of the asterisk is allowed, completely censoring the word in full with no letters present)
  • “Goodbye” threads
OcUK customers, colleagues, partners or affiliates are not exempt from these rules.

We recommend all users seek independent advice when discussing topics which may impact money, health and life situations

OcUK Competitors

We, Overclockers UK (OcUK) are happy to provide the resources of these forums to responsible individuals without charge. They cost a substantial amount of money to maintain and use considerable amounts of bandwidth which is paid for exclusively by us. As you know OcUK are in the computer hardware business and therefore the promotion of OcUK's competitors is forbidden. Examples of promotion are :-
  • Posting links to direct competitors websites (i.e. other computer e-tailers)
  • Posting links to computer related products at general retailers (e.g. Amazon, Argos, Tesco etc)
  • Posting links to reviews that promote competitors
  • Quoting the names or contact details of competitors
  • Offering to provide the names or contact details of competitors
  • Hinting about product availability at competitors and their pricing
  • Using the forums to notify a member of intent or actual supply of names or contact details of competitors
  • Listing competitors names, URLs or e-mail addresses in signatures
  • Listing competitors names, URLs or e-mail addresses in profile
  • Posting links to or the mentioning of auction sites
  • Disguising attempts to do any of the above
PLEASE NOTE: the above list is not exhaustive and is subject to moderator discretion.

Referral Links

Referrals are to be allowed on the forums without a dedicated space. Users can't just spam referral codes in threads or via PM, they have to be requested by an individual. If people are found to be abusing this, then suspensions will be given and forum access removal considered.

Moderation and enforcement

In the event a comment is identified which breaks the rules outlined above, the comment will be edited and a warning issued by the appropriate Don/moderator. In the event a discussion thread is identified which breaks the rules outlined above, the thread will be removed and a warning issued. If the offence is more serious, or is a repeat offence after a previous warning, you may be suspended for a period of time deemed reasonable by the moderation team. Failure to improve may result in moderated posting (posts requiring approval by the moderating team) or permanent removal of specific forums. Persistent and deliberate rule-breakers will have their account permanently closed and will be no longer welcome on the forums to engage with the community. Attempts to re-register will result in the account being immediately closed.

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst the OcUK forums moderation team make every effort to monitor forum content, we accept that some prohibited content may be missed. We encourage the community to report any threads or posts they deem in breach of the rules by using the report feature. Your request will enter a moderation queue and be reviewed within 24 hours. Please refer to the moderator (Dons) and administrator (Commissarios) section (here) if you wish to contact the team.

OcUK contact details
Address: OCUK Ltd, C99 Shelton Boulevard, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST1 5GP, United Kingdom.

Telephone: 01782 444455 or International +44 1782 444455

For customers we have a contact form, allowing you to contact us with your order/return/pre-sales queries at any time, day or night, although you will not get a reply outside of office hours.

Opening hours:
Mon-Sat: 9:00am-4:30pm Sun: Closed
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